JDigital Report: High Taxation and Low Liquidity Are Damaging the Online Poker Market in Spain
Key Takeaways
  • Spanish industry association JDigital has produced a report documenting the impact of the first three years of regulation on the Spanish online gaming market.
  • JDigital wants to see online gaming accepted as a normal choice of leisure activity, as it is “in countries like the UK where it is part of the culture, or like the lottery is in our country.”
  • Online poker faces two issues of its own which are resulting in the decline in the game; high taxes and low liquidity.

Spanish industry association JDigital has produced a report documenting the impact of the first three years of regulation on the Spanish online gaming market.

Regulation is applauded for the contributions to the transparency and security it has brought to the industry which has increased the confidence of both customers and investors. However, the regulated sector has not grown to the level expected when regulation was introduced.