Security Considerations in New Jersey's Draft Online Gaming Regulation Security Considerations in New Jersey's Draft Online Gaming Regulation
saavem, SXC Standard Restrictions
Key Takeaways
  • New Jersey draft regulations include extensive language laying out security considerations.
  • Topics covered include personnel requirements, client software security, customer account security, network communications and audits.
  • Security expert Gus Fritsche analyses each section in turn.

On May 13 the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement (DGE) released their draft regulations for Internet Gaming.

These proposed regulations will be published in the New Jersey Register with a public comment period of 60 days. Though the regulations contain many interesting areas covering licensing, taxes and fees, they also contain specific language related to information security and data protection.

Examining the security-related regulations will provide insight into the actual level of protection that they will provide: Clauses cover personnel, client software, customer account security, network communications and audits.