- Ben Warrington from Tournament Poker Edge discusses advanced preflop play in MTTs.
- Scott Jannarone from MoerEV teaches viewers about the concept of “floating.”
- Over at Deuces Cracked, KRANTZ covers small blind opening ranges, continuation bets, and river betting ranges in his microstakes series.
Our weekly feature gives readers a look inside our Poker Training Video Directory. We showcase some of the week’s best training videos from some of the top video producers and training sites available on the web.
The highlighted videos this week include Ben Warrington from Tournament Poker Edge discussing advanced preflop play in MTTs, Scott Jannarone from MoerEV teaching viewers about the concept of “floating,” and over at Deuces Cracked KRANTZ covers small blind opening ranges, continuation bets, and river betting ranges in his microstakes series.
Be aware that many of these are premium subscription sites, but lots of them offer free previews, free trials or other alternative methods of maintaining a premium membership. And you can check out all the poker training videos at MoreEV when you sign up for a free membership.
Ben Warrington (SNG/MTT): TPE Theory: Advanced MTT Strategy (Preflop) with Ben “KidCardiff6″ Warrington (Part 1)
Tournament Poker Edge: TPE pro and EPT Main Event final tablist Ben “KidCardiff6” Warrington is back with a theory series on advanced MTT play. In this 4 part series he covers preflop and will cover post flop in a future series. Ben covers identifying regulars vs. recreational players and how to exploit them, preflop aggression, positional dynamics and much much more. Learn how a top player approaches preflop situations.
Watch this video on Tournament Poker Edge →
Scott Jannarone (Other): Floating By Scott
MoreEV: Scott gives you an introduction to 'Floating’. 'Poker Floating’ is a more advanced poker strategy where a player calls a pre-flop raise in position, bricks the flop but still calls the pre-flop aggressor’s continuation bet in hopes that their call will scare the pre-flop raiser into checking the turn.
Will Ma (SNG/MTT): Replayer: The Big $22, Part 4
CardRunners: In this replayer series, Will Ma reviews his run in The Big $22 on PokerStars. The series concludes at the final table with three players remaining. Topics include opening ranges, limping, final table dynamics, and more.
Watch this video on CardRunners →
blah234 & KRANTZ (NLHE): Blah Blah GTO: Episode Three
Deuces Cracked: KRANTZ and blah continue working through Jay’s microstakes session. Discussion focuses on small blind opening ranges, why we continuation bet, and river betting ranges.
Watch this video on Deuces Cracked →
Greenbast (SNG/MTT): Greenbast plays live Turbo Heads Up on Pokerstars(Session 2)
HUSNG: Greenbast plays a series of live Heads Up Turbo matches in the Second session of a 3 session series. He talks about bet sizing to induce bluffs and when stack sizes are to deep to check/raise certain board textures.
Darin Van Gammeren (SNG/MTT): DarinVG’s $60 SNG: Making The Call
Bluefire Poker: Darin reviews a $60 SNG with a few tough decisions.
Watch this video on Bluefire Poker →
BlackRain79 (NLHE): Reg Wars Part 4
Drag The Bar: In this series I will discuss ways to exploit the regs in today’s micro stakes games. It will be especially focused on NL25 and NL50 where the proportion of regs, and decent ones at that, is a lot higher than at NL10 and below.
Watch this video on Drag The Bar →
Apotheosis (Other): River Ranges
LeggoPoker: Chris goes over a few hand histories and examines how aggressive river play is a function of the action on prior streets and how it affects actual and perceived river ranges.