Breaking Apart Your Flawed Strategy
Do you understand how frequencies work in poker? Years ago, Ed Miller’s classic training text Poker’s 1% heavily impacted the poker strategy scene with its unique approach to exploiting the common frequency-based errors of opponents in live cash games. This winning strategy endures because players are still not exploiting frequency leaks in their opponents as often as they should be. This week, James “SplitSuit” Sweeney breaks apart the flawed strategies of unstudied players who ignore frequencies to their own detriment.
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The Bernard Lee Poker Show 12-5-17 with Guest Vince Van Patten
The WPT’s Vince Van Patten chats with Bernard Lee.
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Episode 237: Douglas Stewart
Douglas Stewart is an avid amateur poker player who plays in live tournaments whenever his schedule allows, but makes his living as a literary agent in New York City where he focuses on working with novelists as well as with a few select children’s book writers. We talk about poker, literature, poker in literature, and how a New York literary agent fits in (or doesn’t fit in) at an Atlantic City poker room.
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Druff & Friends Show – 12/06/2017 – Fire and Cold
Druff broadcasts the show as a wildfire burns ominously near his secret location. Video emerges of Solomon Ponte (Hashtagking) being beaten up in underground poker game in June. David Baazov insider trading trial to begin December 11. Indian casino fraud discussions: Viejas cheats customer out of $134k car won in contest, San Manuel 10% bonus promotion labeled a “mistake” and refused to PFA listener.
New Jersey tries again to get sportsbetting legalized. Bill proposed in New Jersey to allow them to join existing international online poker sites. Man from former Soviet republic of Georgia arrested for cheating at craps in Vegas. Church pastor tries to rob same Vegas casino three times before being caught. Inside the Evil Empire Part 8. Porn star kills herself after online backlash due to refusing to have sex with bisexual man. Druff battles with a new cold which symptoms arise during the broadcast. Calls from badguy23, Mr. Tickle, ChicksDigIt, Mumbles. traderusky, khalwat, and Drexel co-host portions of the show.
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Poker Action Line 12/06/2017
BIG Dave and Joe talk about a new proposal that would ban greyhound racing, if it gets on the ballot and passes next year in Florida, and the effect it might have on poker in the state. The guys also reveal the return of poker at Mardi Gras Casino in South Florida and finish with a quick look at the Player of the Year races worldwide.
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$1000 for a stuffed toy?
In this week’s episode, find out who paid $1000 for a stuffed toy, meet up game blunders and why Andrew is terrified of not being able to speak for 10 days.
Ask Alex Episode 156 “The Battle Of The Blinds”
This is Episode 156 of “Ask Alex” on the Oneouter.com podcast. In this episode we discuss, topics including….
“A Hand from a $100k High Roller that Daniel Negreanu @realkidpoker posted on twitter ”
“Blind Vs Blind wars”
Also Alex has also recorded a free Webinar that you can download
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Web shows and new AUPT stop
We chat about a new poker web show and announce a new AUPT stop at Vee Quiva in Arizona.
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Live Reads at the Bike – Episode 105
$2/39-handed, LJ opens to $12, hero calls in HJ with AJss, one player calls (position unknown), BB calls. Hero is effective stack with $320Flop ($44) 9s 6h 4sChecks to hero who bets $30. Fold, BB calls, LJ folds.Turn ($104) 6sVillain leads $40, hero calls. River ($184) QcVillain checks, Hero?
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Ep 059 – Small Pocket Pairs
In this episode, host Steve Fredlund and several guest contributors explore how to play small & medium pocket pairs, including both preflop & postflop as well as in & out of position.
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Sleep, Eat, Move, Improve… Your Mind | MED #10 Class 4 | Poker Podcast #168
Get Enough Sleep (3:00) 4 Recommendations for more sleep Morning Ritual (6:10) Take Breaks (9:50) Eat Healthy (10:25) Cutting sugars and grains from your diet Cook more, eat out less Brain Foods Move Your Body (16:15) Standing Desk Improve Your Mind (17:45) Decreasing Expectations Luck (19:35) 66-day Challenges (21:25) Challenge (22:40)