Poker Advocacy, Ante Up! and the 2+2 PokerCast: The Week in Poker Podcasts Poker Advocacy, Ante Up! and the 2+2 PokerCast: The Week in Poker Podcasts

This past week in poker podcasts has not only been marked by the episodes that are informative and entertaining but also by those that weren’t released.

To be honest, I still haven’t caught up on many of the episodes that I missed this summer, so for me it is a bit of a relief. But for those of you loyal listeners, the lack of your favorite poker podcasts could you leave you searching for a way to fill your listening time.

So, for all of you that normally get your podcast fill from shows like Filthy Limper, Poker Fraud Alert, The Poker Edge and recent newcomer Occupy Poker (which by the way I was disappointed to not see a new episode because I wanted to hear their take on the drama they were involved in on 2+2), here are some candidates you could sample to get your poker podcast fix.

Check out Poker Advocacy with Rich Muny. This week’s guest is PPA Board member and Litigation Support Director Patrick Fleming. The conversation covers the repayment of players from Full Tilt Poker, legislation in the US on the state and Federal levels, Absolute Poker and even eWalletXpress. So, tune in and you can hear the viewpoint on these topics from an attorney with knowledge of the internet gaming industry.

Listen to Poker Advocacy with Rich Muny →

This week on the Ante Up! Pokercast the show focuses on the results of the annual survey of the Ante Up! listeners. Scott and Chris discuss the thoughts that the respondents shared as part of the survey and they reveal the winners of the “Antes”. I found the conversation about the Best Poker Tweeter entertaining and the discussion of the Favorite Fictional Poker Player was interesting as well. The show cranks on for 80 minutes discussing the results of all the survey questions and never really hits a lull. So, if you are looking for something on the lighter-side, give this episode a listen.

Listen to Ante Up! Pokercast →

If following the stories of poker’s high-rollers is something you enjoy, then you won’t want to miss the 2+2 PokerCast this week. In a very interesting interview, Mike and Adam talk with Tom Hall, CEO of AsianLogic and Business Development Director at ONEworks, about the history of the big games in Macau. Some of the stories told by Hall are simply amazing. I definitely recommend checking out this interview. It starts about 5 minutes into the second hour of the show.

Listen to 2+2 PokerCast →

That’s all for this week. As usual, feel free to leave your own reviews, rip on mine, or suggest other poker podcasts for my listening pleasure.