Codere Report Explains Spanish Market Weakness as the Result of Economic Crisis Codere Report Explains Spanish Market Weakness as the Result of Economic Crisis
sermarr erGuiri, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License
Key Takeaways
  • The fifth annual study on the “Social Perception on Gambling in Spain” is now available from the Codere Foundation.
  • The in depth report describes a market that remains in decline as the result of the severe economic crisis which has continued in Spain. 33.5% of gamblers spend less than they did a year ago.
  • 28% play to make money, 43% play on gray market sites

The fifth annual study on the “Social Perception on Gambling in Spain” is now available from the Codere Foundation.

The in-depth report describes a market that remains in decline as the result of the severe economic crisis which has continued in Spain.