- Popular poker tournament photographer and videographer Jay “WhoJedi” Newnum was charged this past December with 5th degree larceny in the state of Connecticut.
- Newnum was subject to an on-site arrest on December 16, 2013 and had the case disposed of on December 24 by applying for Accelerated Pretrial Rehabilitation.
- Typically with judgments that are associated with Accelerated Pretrial Rehabilitation, the plea is withdrawn and after 20 days of acceptance and the court file becomes non-disclosed.
Popular poker tournament photographer and videographer Jay “WhoJedi” Newnum was charged this past December with 5th degree larceny in the state of Connecticut allegedly for stealing dealer tip money from the poker room at Foxwoods Casino.
According to court documents obtained by pokerfuse, Newnum was subject to an on-site arrest on December 16, 2013 and had the case disposed of on December 24 by applying for Accelerated Pretrial Rehabilitation, a program in Connecticut that allows first time offenders accused of a crime to bypass a term of jail time in instances where the violation is not considered of a serious nature.
The situation came to light on January 8 when Billy Shea, president of the union that represents Assistant Supervisors & Dealers from Foxwoods Casino took to Facebook to alert the Local 2121 membership of Newnum’s activity.
In the post Shea claims that tournament tip money was stolen from the Poker Room by Newnum. “He was caught just before Christmas after video coverage was reviewed and subsequently arrested and charged with the crime of theft after he confessed to the crime,” Shea added.
Larceny in the 5th degree in the state of Connecticut is considered a Class B Misdemeanor for the theft of items that value between $250-$500 and carries with it up to 6 months in jail and fines of up to $1,000.
According to Shea the amount in question totaled $700 and as a result of the charges, Newnum has been banned from Foxwoods property. When contacted by pokerfuse, Shea would make no further comment.
A one time photographer and blogger for the World Series of Poker, Newnum’s position at the time of the on-site arrest with Foxwoods is unconfirmed as Foxwoods Head of Poker Teri Chiaradio would only offer “no comment.” At the time of the incident Foxwoods was holding their December Mega Stacks event where it has been suggested Newnum was in charge of internet live streaming, blogging, photos and posting results.
Typically with judgments that are associated with Accelerated Pretrial Rehabilitation, the plea is withdrawn and after 20 days of acceptance and the court file becomes non-disclosed. Due to the fact that the arrest was made on-site, the police report is not of public record but is currently sealed by the prosecutor.
Newnum was not available for comment.