Germany Still Three Years Away from Taxing Online Poker Germany Still Three Years Away from Taxing Online Poker
fdecomite, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License
Key Takeaways
  • Last week’s “eco Verbands für Internetwirtschaft” conference in Germany made it clear that the country still has a long political journey before it will be able to regulate and tax internet gambling.
  • The primary theme of the conference addressed how to bring German internet gaming laws into line with EU law. The core problem is that German politicians want something that is illegal under EU laws.
  • “2016 will be a year of discussion, and 2017 a year of decision,” said Hans-Jorn Arp. Even if his assessment is correct, that would mean nothing would happen before 2018, and with the level of political argument, perhaps 2018 still constitutes an overly optimistic time frame.

Last week’s “eco Verbands für Internetwirtschaft” conference in Germany made it clear that the country still has a long political journey before it will be able to regulate and tax internet gambling.

The primary theme of the conference addressed how to bring German internet gaming laws into line with EU law. The core problem is that German politicians want something that is illegal under EU laws.