Building since January, the Bad Beat Jackpot at the Boss Media Network has finally popped. The final figure – €1,265,583 (over $1.8m) – dwarfs all previous BBJ records both online and live.
35% of that – €442,954 to be precise – goes to the lucky loser of the hand, “OmgoMgomGo,” who lost quad kings against quad aces when the board ran out AK9-K-A.
The winner of the hand, “7Adelaida7,” took 17.5%, and approximately €32k was given to each of the other seven players at the full ring NL100 euro table.
The house takes €127k for its troubles. The remaining €250k is used to seed the next bad beat jackpot – a size that would normally be considered fairly substantial for online poker, and certainly for a small network.
Boss Media is rather schizophrenically referred to as International Poker Network (IPN), GTECH G2, and the Paradise Poker Network, named after one of its most recognizable skins. Other well-known names among over thirty brands include RedBet, PAF and Poker Heaven.