High stakes heads-up specalist Daniel Cates has recently been stoking the fires of the long-in-limbo Durrrr Challenge 2 and recently suggested that he and Tom “Durrrr” Dwan have reached terms to resume and, hopefully, complete the very public and drawn out heads-up match.
The Challenge consists of 50,000 hands of HU play at $200/400 or greater, with 4 tables going at a time. If, at the end of those hands, Dwan is up $1 or more in profit, the challenger agrees to pay an additional $500k. If the challenger is up by $1 or more, Dwan will be obligated to pay a massive $1.5MM bonus.
Daniel “Jungleman” Cates and Dwan escrowed their funds and started the Challenge in 2010, before Black Friday, and have yet to get on track to complete it. Cates recently posted on Two Plus Two that they will be playing no less than 4k hands in August and 8k hands every two months thereafter until complete. Should that not occur, “restrictions” in the form of schedules and/or penalties will be enforced.
Currently the challenge stands at 19,335 hands played, with Cates up on Dwan by a profit margin of over $1.25M. At a rate of 4000 hands a month, the challenge will conclude by March 2014.