Companies in the online poker industry continue to adapt to the new online poker landscape created in the wake of “Black Friday”. In the latest move to capitalize on the new environment, Official Poker Rankings has added Merge Network – also referred to as Carbon Poker, the flagship skin of the network – to their poker room coverage.
OPR already covers PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker, Ongame Network and PartyPoker. According to OPR’s web site their coverage includes, “scheduled multi-table poker tournaments (MTT), satellites tournaments and larger sit and go tournaments (SNG MTT)” on Full Tilt Poker and PokerStars.
The site provides results-based statistics, providing information such as In The Money (ITM), Return On Investment (ROI), Profit, and average buy-in on individual players.
They also provide more detailed statistics, summaries and distribution details but do not provide hand histories or other hand specific statistics.