Special Edition 2 – Interview with Partypoker’s Tom Waters and Rob Yong
In our second special edition on the pokerfuse podcast, your hosts Mike Gentile and Nick Jones sit down with Tom Waters, Head of Poker at partypoker, and Rob Yong, partypoker partner, to discuss the latest ecology changes at the online poker room.
Topics discussed in this wide-reaching interview include:
- The end of HUDs at partypoker. – The reasons for ending hand histories saved to the hard drive. – Rob’s new #fairplay concept. – How the operator will police the game in a post-hand history world. – The planned use of moving to real names instead of screen names. – Other ecology changes coming up at partypoker. – Plans for its live poker tour and the synergy with online.
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Postflop Poker Podcast – Episode 86 – Effective Stack Size
Merv & Ben are back with a mid WSOP episode and despite Ian from Canberra winning a trifecta of prizes, there are still more to be won. Tune in to find out how. Our poser is concerned with the importance of the effective stack size including how to think about it in multiway pots.
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Ep 135 – Women in Poker part 4: Jen Shahade
This week, we continue our conversation about women in poker. Steve Fredlund and John Somsky chat with Jen Shahade, great poker and chess player about her perspectives. You can watch the video at https://youtu.be/_37d-P3972M
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210 – WSOP 2019: Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino
With another WSOP update, Steve and Mike are finally meeting face to face to discuss the latest developments in the world’s largest poker event. Make sure you follow Steve and Mike on twitter! Alex Fitzgerald’s new flagship product is here, Master Tournament Poker In One Class. It’s a bold title and for good reason. Watch the free intro video and be ahead of 90% of your opponents.
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Druff & Friends Show – 06/21/2019 – The Zero Dollar Jackpot
Agua Caliente Casino Palm Springs accused of stealing money from players by PFA forum member (topic starts at 0:38:37 mark). WSOP bracelets won by familiar names: John Hennigan, Adam Friedman, Ismael Bojang, Joseph Cheong, Michael Mizrachi, Greg Mueller (1:20:47). Mysterious “Rachel Lees” Twitter account writes long essays criticizing Negreanu & modern poker culture (2:21:51). Negreanu to out people who owe him money soon? (3:20:55) Colonel Fabersham calls Orleans regarding a man winning “LIPS” $200 Ladies Shootout (3:47:01).
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WSOP Week 3: $10k HORSE Champ Greg “FBT Mueller” & Hellmuth Flips Out Again – DAT Poker Podcast Episode #36
This Week On DAT Poker Podcast: With Terrence down in Las Vegas, him and Adam begin chatting about travelling with toddlers and speeding tickets. The guys also discuss the latest Phil Hellmuth outburst. In WSOP News: This week’s bracelet winners are recapped along with the more interesting story lines from the series, such as 2 hall of famers heads up for a bracelet, and the longest time between bracelets record being broken.
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Q&A: Passive Poker, $40 Profit per Day and Play the Player #242
Q1: Leak: Passive Poker (2:40) Q2: Making $40 per day (6:10) Q3: Play the Player (10:50) Show Notes with more info, pics and links: http://www.smartpokerstudy.com/pod242 Hosted by Sky Matsuhashi, poker player, poker coach and poker author.
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Episode 7 – Phil Ivey Stories, Black Friday (Bad) Memories, Brent Hanks From PokerGO, And Answering Your Emails
We start out this week by talking about what’s going on in the WSOP, including Phil Ivey stories and speculate why he’s playing $800 NLHE events. We also talk about how wild Black Friday was…I mean, it still blows our minds how that all went down. We have a chit chat with pro poker player and PokerGO personality Brent Hanks about what’s going on out in Vegas, and end the show by answering your poker-related emails. Enjoy!
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PokerNews Podcast: Hennigan Wins Sixth WSOP Bracelet
Two Poker Hall of Famers fight for a bracelet in the $10k Seven-Card Stud Championship. Sarah Herring and Jeff Platt break down the epic headsup battle between John Hennigan and Daniel Negreanu on the latest episode of the PokerNews Podcast. Jeff has some strong feelings on the live viewing experience at the WSOP, he and Sarah discuss what steps can be taken to help the fans at the Rio.
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The Mouth, Stars and more stars
The Mouth is back in the poker content business, PokerStars gets its name on a Pennsylvania poker room and there are a ton of big names making noise at the World Series of Poker.
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Weekly Poker Hand #256
Everyone makes a straight, and almost all of them play it poorly. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com…(Visited 29 time, 29 visit today)
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The Grid 007 ft. Matt Matros – Jack-deuce suited
Three-time WSOP bracelet winner Matt Matros talks to Jennifer Shahade on the GRID about Jack-deuce suited, in a high stakes heads-up hand where preparation did not meet luck. The hand is set at the NBC Heads-Up Championship in 2013, where Matt faced four-time WSOP Champ Brian Hastings. Despite the shallow structure, Matt studied rigorously for the opportunity,...
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Ladies Knight with Jen Shahade Featuring Megan Lee – LK006
The newest episode of Ladies Knight features host Jennifer Shahade in conversation with our new U.S. Women’s Open Champion, Megan Lee. Jennifer interviews Megan live from the Las Vegas Chess Festival. Now based in Seattle, 22-year-old Lee is a graduate from the Rhode Island School of Design. In her conversation with Jennifer, she explains why…
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Top Pair Podcast 336: Viva Las Vegas: The WSOP is in Session!
In episode 336 Bruce Briggs and Robbie Strazynski catch up after a three week break while Robbie’s been in Las Vegas for the World Series of Poker. Robbie’s recap includes 50 hours of cash game action, his first bracelet event, two “prep” tournaments, and even a little WPT news. Bruce shares his fan experience watching the live streams from home, talks BARGE, Biggie-Size games, and more.
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The Bernard Lee Poker Show 06-18-19 with Guests Daniel Strelitz & Michael Mizrachi
2019 WSOP $5k Champ Daniel Strelitz and now 5x WSOP Bracelet Winner Michael Mizrachi are Bernard Lee’s guests.
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Episode 6 – Jake Won A Main Event Seat And Hoodie Allen Talks All Things Poker
This week on Cracking Aces we are joined by musician and poker player Hoodie Allen. While most known for his Billboard hits, Hoodie also crushes poker in his spare time. We talk to him about shaking the Main Event nerves, how to get better at live poker, being the fish at the table, and much more. If you’re a recreational player, you’ll love hearing from a guy who just loves the game as much as you do. Enjoy!
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PokerNews Podcast: Mueller Ships $10k HORSE
The World Series of Poker is in full swing, Sarah Herring and Jeff Platt once again team up from the Rio to bring you another episode of the PokerNews Podcast. They’re joined right off the bat by Poker Central’s Remko Rinkema. The three discuss the magical presence of Phil Ivey at the WSOP. Ivey, by the way, is deep in the…$800 Deepstack Bracelet Event.
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Episode 299: Berk’s Back
Berk Brown sits down with Andrew in Las Vegas to discuss flying around the world to deal nosebleed games, the short lifespan of delusional pros, and the state of Las Vegas poker in 2019. Andrew’s new book, Play Optimal Poker, ... Read more…
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Poker Action Line 06/17/2019
Michael Tait, a Semi-Pro player from South Florida, joins BIG Dave in the studio to talk about his trip to Vegas for this year’s WSOP Main Event. With the success of several members of Michael’s social media group “the Slum Donkeys”, at this year’s series, the guys discuss the fact that any type of player can fulfill their poker dreams.
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Hellmuth Is the Greatest, Mizrachi and Mueller Win Gold, and Hubbub About the Structures
Lance and Donnie kick off the show by running through the latest news from the 2019 World Series of Poker, including discussions about Michael Mizrachi and Greg Mueller winning gold bracelets. Then, Jeff Walsh joins the program to run through PocketFives’ list of the top 50 greatest players in WSOP history.
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The Chip Race – Season 9 Episode 5 – Dominik Nitsche, Andrew Brokos, Jennifer Shahade and Gareth James.
The Chip Race is back with a jam-packed show featuring 4-time bracelet wearer, WPT winner and One Drop champion, German Poker legend Dominik Nitsche. Andrew ‘Thinking Poker’ Brokos stops by to talk about his new book ‘Play Optimal Poker’. Gareth James discusses his new book ‘Purposeful Practice For Poker’. ‘The Grid’ Podcast host Jennifer Shahade has a puzzle for Dara and David to solve in the strategy segment. Ian has all the news including results from Unibet UK Tour Newcastle, Unibet DSO Malta and of course the WSOP!
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A Pedialyte Legacy
Recorded in Andrew’s childhood bedroom, Busi and Andrew chat about wedding wardrobe malfunctions, skipping the WSOP and whether or not Pedialyte will be Andrew’s legacy.
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