With little advance fanfare, US players from four skins affiliated with Cake Poker have been transferred to a new site, JuicyStakes.eu, effective immediately.
The move affects players on the Cake, Colt, Fugu and Hilife poker sites, with US players on these sites no longer able to access their original accounts. These players’ balances, as well as continuing play on the Revolution Network, where Cake and its sister skins reside, will be available once players download, install, and log on with the new Juicy Stakes client.
The move appears to take a page out of the Bodog/Bovada playbook, with Cake taking an extra step to ring-fence their US player base despite already using a Europe-based internet domain (cakepoker.eu) for its rest-of-world players.
Customers were notified overnight after news of the pending move first surfaced several days ago. A promotional e-mail regarding a new $100,000 tourney series on Juicy Stakes mentioned the transition in passing:
Additionally, Juicy Stakes is announcing a new face as it changes its website URL from JuicyStakes.com to JuicyStakes.eu. As part of the change in address Juicy Stakes will also be welcoming a new player base from trusted sites within the Revolution Gaming Network.
US visitors to the old Cake home page at cakepoker.eu also woke up this morning to find themselves geo-directed to the new Juicy Stakes site. US web surfers to Cake are now greeted with the following:
Cake Poker does not offer services in your region.
We regret that we are unable to serve you Cake. If you’re hungry for poker and casino action, fat tournament guarantees and prime player rewards, such as Gold Chips and Gold Cards, we strongly suggest Juicy Stakes (www.JuicyStakes.eu).
Do you have a Cake Poker Account?
If you are an existing Cake Poker Player from this region, you will notice that you are no longer able to access it. Regretfully, we can no longer serve you Cake. We assure you there is no cause for concern. Your Poker and Casino balance, as well as as all your Gold Chip, Gold Card and Loyalty Level rewards have been securely transferred to our friends at Juicy Stakes Poker (www.JuicyStakes.eu).
As noted on the site, loyalty and rakeback rewards are expected to be transferred directly to the new Juicy Stakes platform, though some players reported brief lapses in connectivity as the overnight transfer occurred.