- Adelson will be giving one of two keynote speeches at the trade show which runs from September 30 to October 2, and with an audience composed of the illuminati of the land based and online gambling industry, he is expected to expound on his opposition to online poker in the US.
- The other keynote speaker will be Steve Wynn, Chairman of Wynn Resorts Ltd, a friend of Adelson, and a convert to his opinions on online gambling.
- The man of the moment, Amaya Gaming CEO David Baazov, is also programmed in for a State of the Industry: Suppliers session.
Once again this year the Global Gaming Expo (G2E) will be held at the Sands Expo and Convention Center in Las Vegas, but this time their host, Las Vegas Sands Chairman and CEO Sheldon Adelson, will also be a keynote speaker.
Adelson will be giving one of two keynote speeches at the trade show which runs from September 30 to October 2, and with an audience composed of the illuminati of the land based and online gambling industry, he is expected to expound on his opposition to online poker in the US.
The Coalition to Stop Internet Gaming (CSIG) was established last November to lobby against online gambling. It has been funded by Adelson and the Las Vegas Sands to the tune of $460,000 in its first six months.
The other keynote speaker will be Steve Wynn, Chairman of Wynn Resorts Ltd, a friend of Adelson, and a convert to his opinions on online gambling.
David Baazov
The man of the moment, Amaya Gaming CEO David Baazov, is also programmed in for a State of the Industry: Suppliers session. The timing of the conference means he should have gained control of the Rational Group by the time he speaks—if the takeover deal goes remains on schedule.
Jim Murren, Chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts International and James Allen, CEO of Seminole Gaming and Chairman of Hard Rock International, will be the featured speakers at the State of the Industry: Operators session.
“We’re thrilled to bring together an impressive group of industry leaders who have helped to lead the growth of our industry into the economic engine it is today,” said Geoff Freeman, president and CEO of the American Gaming Association (AGA).
The AGA is one of the organizers of the event, and the big name casino executives featured as speakers are all members of the association.