Once famous for the nosebleed stakes of its online poker games, Full Tilt has made some sweeping changes including a reduction in the stakes at its highest games. Just this past weekend, Phil Ivey won almost $200,000 playing 2-7 Triple Draw at $2000/$4000 stakes, but as of the beginning of this week, the high-stakes available for draw games have been cut in half.
The variety of available stakes has also been reduced. Tables for the highest stakes have been condensed with only a few options left for the high-stakes grinders.
Adrenaline Rush Format Discontinued
In order to “simplify [its] ring game offering and help new players find the most active tables,” Full Tilt has also eliminated a vast number of games and formats. Sticking around until the end of the month is Adrenaline Rush, which is a variation of the site’s innovative Rush Poker with a maximum buy-in of 10 big blinds.
HORSE, Irish poker and full-ring Fixed Limit hold ‘em games have been discontinued. Many, capped, deep stack and shallow stack games have been removed as well. Even some “New to the Game” tables have fallen by the wayside.
Other Changes at Full Tilt
Some Rush Poker ring games are having their stakes raised. For example, $2/$4 No Limit Hold’ em Rush Poker is going up to $2.50/$5. Other Rush Poker stake levels—such as $0.25/$0.50 and $1/$2 Pot Limit Omaha—are being replaced with $2.50/$5 Pot Limit Omaha.
A variety of games are being limited to 5-Max tables including Stud Hi, Stud Hi-Low, Razz, 6 Card Omaha and 8-Game.
Rake at the popular Jackpot Sit & Gos is going up at the $5 and $50 levels, bringing it in line with the offerings of other operators.
The direction of these changes clearly shows the priority of recreational players to the site, and are in line with its new marketing approach that saw it part ways with high profile sponsored pros such as Gus Hansen and Viktor “Isildur1” Blom last year.