With the planned release date of Hold’em Manager 2 right around the corner, the buzz surrounding it is growing. Many people are still unable to give it a spin. The queue still has hundreds on the waiting list as the number of invites has slowed while developers work to iron out bugs.
Public release is slated for this month, but for those who just can not wait, you probably want to check out our in-depth series of video previews of HM2 we ran last month.
Here is a breakdown of what we covered with links to each article:
Week 1 – Interface and Home Screen
We kick off the series with a preview of the new look and feel of the software, one of the more controversial changes in HM2. We also take a look over the rather dashing (get it?) homepage dashboard.
Week 2 – Reports
A lot has changed with reporting in HM2, there are some interesting new additions, but sadly a few features were removed. Along with the embedded hand view and replayer in the reports, we dig into the new line analysis and session tabs.
Week 3 – Replayer, HUD and Notes
There is a lot of new features in the in-game toolset. The HUD is all new, and boasts big improvements like the “vs. hero” stats and bar graph representation of stats. NoteCaddy integration is impressive, and there are solid improvements to the popups and customization.
Week 4 – Cloud Sync, Social Media and Conclusions
We finish off the preview with a look at the most intriguing additions in HM2: the new embedded social media features, and the Cloud Sync feature, which allows for data synchronization between machines and online backup of your data. We wrap it all up by answering the question: will it be worth the wait?