Calling him a liar?
Busi and Andrew are reunited in Mexico for this installment of the podcast. Andrew fills us in on his online WSOP tournament experience and wonders if he is doing this work trip the right way.
The post Calling him a liar? appeared first on Tells Podcast.
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The Grid 044 ft. Mandy Baker– Jack-Five Offsuit
Professional poker player and yoga instructor Mandy Baker throws us all the way back to 2005, where she played her first 10K at the World Poker Tour in Foxwoods. Mandy thought she detected an excellent squeeze spot before even looking down at her cards: Jack-Five Offsuit. Mandy explained to Jen how this dramatic hand had…
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Episode 78 – Turning a Boat and Choosing a Good Training Program
Welcome to Episode 78! MTT Coach Gareth James and Peak Performance Mindset Coach & Educator Dr. Tricia Cardner are back discussing all things poker strategy & mindset! The start of the episode finds them discussing the upcoming heads-up challenge between Daniel Negreanu and Doug Polk.
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E046: TONKAAAAP Shares Degen Stories, Thoughts on Twitch Life & GGPoker Controversy
This week on The Rake: Semi-retired Twitch star and online tournament crusher Parker TONKAAAAP Talbot! Hosts Marle Cordeiro & Jamie Kerstetter talk with Parker about his recent $100k+ online scores, some fun degen stories, the ins and outs of Twitch life, recent GGPoker controversies, and, of course, they take some well-deserved shots at Spraggy.
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Ep 193 – Forum On Hand – Ranging (@Raisy Daisy)
In our first ever “Forums Edition” Jim Reid (Jim) leads the panel through a forum post by
Raisy_Daisy asking about hand-ranging tips, drills, and resources. While battling it out against each other in the nightly home game, they discuss using tools like Equilab and Flopzilla, some general rules about hand-ranging, and a new video Chris Jones (@FiveByFive) recently posted in the forums about how to use Flopzilla to do just that! Come sign up for a free account at rec.poker today and post a question in the forum for the panel to review!
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August 21st, 2020 – Listener Mailbag and Twitter Feedback
On this episode of the Tournament Poker Edge Podcast, Clayton reviews and responds to a bunch of emails and tweets from our loyal listeners. Thank you all for listening!
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#76 Matt Matros: Author, 3 WSOP Bracelets, & $2.5 Mill+ in Tourney Winnings
Today my guest is 3-time WSOP bracelet winner, poker coach, and author of “The Game Plan” Matt Matros.Matt has racked up over $2.5 million in live tournament cashes over his almost 2 decade long career.Some highlights include:- The aforementioned triple WSOP bracelets in $1,500 6-max event, limit hold em, and mixed hold ‘em tourneys.-
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Q&A: Poker Mindset – Suckout Tilt, Convincing the Wife and Handling Downswings #305
Show Notes for this episode: https://www.smartpokerstudy.com/pod305 Hosted by Sky Matsuhashi, poker player, coach and author. Check out my YouTube Poker Training Channel Enable my “Daily Poker Tips” Alexa Skill for a daily 30-second poker tip in your Flash Briefing. United States Canada United Kingdom Australia India Daily Poker Tips is also a podcast, so look for it wherever you listen to podcasts. Twitter @smartpokerstudy
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PokerNews Podcast: Recent GGPoker Bracelet Winners & Guest Frank Funaro
In the latest edition of the PokerNews Podcast, Sarah Herring, Chad Holloway, and Jeff Platt recap the latest 2020 World Series of Poker online bracelet event series from GGPoker. They then welcome guest Frank Funaro, an up-and-coming East Coast grinder who recently finished runner-up in the 2020 WSOP High Roller and won a partypoker US Online Network tournament.
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Poker Fraud Alert Radio – 08/21/2020 – Leaving No Stones Unturned
(Topic begins at 0:12:54 mark): onestep makes an obscene phone call…. (0:35:48): Druff does battle with Russian hackers again…. (0:47:31): Veronica Brill appears on “The Rake” show and reveals some things about the Stones Gambling Hall lawsuit settlement…. (2:08:21):
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Veiled Threats of Thin Value w/ Special Guest Guillermoman – Episode 184
More Great Poker Content!Sign Up for Solve for Why poker training and get 5% off using coupon code: JUSTHANDSJust Hands has a new membership program on patreon! Sign up to support the creation of more episodes.https://www.patreon.com/justhands2/5600 effectiveCO opens 25Hero calls Ad8dBB calls77 Ks8c7cBB checks, CO bets 30, Hero calls, BB folds.147 AsCO bets 65, Hero calls 277 TcCO checks, Hero checks
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WPH #317: BIG Preflop Mistake with AK [LIVE CASH GAME]
Weekly Poker Hand #317: In a live cash game, when you get AK vs an aggressive player, you have to put in the 4-bet! Check out this hand and look…No visits yet
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WSOP.com series recap
AUG. 21 POKERCAST RECAP: Scott is back playing on PokerStars’ play site, we have a comprehensive report on the WSOP.com series, online gambling revenue is up and we have a new O’Mally’s Move. Stephen Johnston has A-A in the Hand of the Week.
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Did Moneymaker Just Own The Elite Pro?
Chris Moneymaker faces off against the feared reader of souls, Davidi Kitai. How does he fare? The Poker Guys break it down.
FLOP: 10c 9h 7s TURN: 9s River: 8s
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***Our Book is NOW AVAILABLE! Get “How Can He Fold???” here: www.thepokerguys.net
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Ep 73 – $200,000 To Make 90/100 Free Throws, Stool Streams Jenga, Sports Betting, And Reflecting On The Last 6 Months
Today’s episode kind of brings us all up to date on the world. We talk about how life has been weird for the last 6 months, Timex’s bet where he can make $200k if he makes 90/100 free throws by the end of the year, Coronavirus, betting on the Lakers, Jake’s health, and some other odds and ends. A nice relaxing refresh if you will, enjoy!
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Top Pair Home Game Poker Podcast Ep. #361: Steve Fredlund and Jim Reid
Robbie finally played in an in-person home game again. Bruce has been watching both old and new poker content, specifically High Stakes Poker on PokerGO and The Orbit on Twitch. The hosts are joined by Steve Fredlund and Jim Reid of Rec Poker and the pair discuss everything their podcast and community of poker players is all about in an extensive conversation. Finally, our One Outer features a home game host who absolutely insists that the lights be turned off at the end of the session.
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Poker Action Line 08/18/2020
The guys talk about an interesting WSOP online hand which would have won the event, but instead allowed Nick Petrangelo to take home the title. Also, another big win for Kristin Bicknell and a quick list naming the best celebrity poker players In Hollywood.
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Ladies Knight with Jen Shahade Featuring Lauren Goodkind LK020
On the August episode of Ladies Knight, Jennifer interviews author, chess teacher and speaker Lauren Goodkind. Goodkind is a popular Bay Area teacher and the author of “Poison Pieces” and “Queen for a Day: The Girl’s Guide to Chess Mastery.” In her latest book, Queen for a Day, readers work through an entire game with…
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#75 Tadas Peckaitis: Why Would Anyone Ever Start a Poker Training Platform?
Today my guest on the Chasing Poker Greatness podcast is cash game crusher and the founder of MyPokerCoaching.com Tadas Peckaitis.Tadas is a man after my own heart. He started creating regular content for MyPokerCoaching simply because it was a thing he genuinely enjoyed doing.
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Ep 192 – Blake Bohn
Blake Bohn is a professional poker player and the all-time leading tournament money leader from Minnesota. He is in the Minnesota Poker Hall of Fame as well as the Mid-States Poker Tour (MSPT) Hall of Fame. His $3.1 million in tournament earnings includes a 23rd place finish at the WSOP Main Event. In this episode we cover a lot of ground, including insights for recreational players wanting to improve their game.
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The Bernard Lee Poker Show 08-18-20 with Guest Michael Lech
2020 WSOP Summer Online Series Event #13 Champ Michael Lech chats with Bernard Lee.
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Poker Fraud Alert Radio – 08/15/2020 – Nice Win, Here’s Your Ban
(Topic beings at 0:22:54 mark): Major controversy breaks out involving GGPoker and their practice of banning some winning players…. (2:26:29): PFA Exclusive: Details leaked to Druff regarding upcoming Stones Gambling Hall settlement with 88 plaintiffs…. (3:30:00): Mike Postle’s ex-wife makes contact with Veronica Brill…. (3:49:20): Grisly details released regarding Susie Zhao murder…. (4:11:28): Prostitute accused of stealing $90K cash from Vegas tourist…. (4:34:10):
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