The Mark Hoke Show #45 – It’s All About The Game and Getting Ready for WrestleMania
It’s another edition of The Mark Hoke Show on KDWN Las Vegas! Mark Hoke, Andrew “Fish” Fain and Joe DeFalco break down the week that was in pro wrestling as they discuss the in-ring retirement of HHH, the early return of Bobby Lashley, Zach Sabre, Jr. taking down the 2022 New Japan Cup, Dax Harwood hitting the singles scene, AEW’s use of Jay Lethal and Adam Cole and WrestleMania 38 predictions with betting odds. Thanks for listening!
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Ep 363 – Forums: Betting For Protection (Jack)
This week, Jim Reid leads the panel through a forum post by Jack about betting for protection, and how it relates to betting for value or as a bluff. While battling it out against each other in the nightly home game, the panel discusses common terminology, value betting, denying equity, realizing equity, value targeting, bluff targeting, and more!
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Philosophical Friday #6: Is the Poker Dream Still Alive?
In this week’s installment of Philosophical Friday, Brad and Duncan are faced with a simple yet very deep question coming from an active member of the “greatness village” community (Humberto) who wants to know: What is the poker dream in 2022 and is it still alive? Well, let’s find out!
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Matt Affleck Discord AMA 2022!
Hey everyone, check out the Ask Me Anything that Matt Affleck did for all of our Discord users which is avalaible on our podcast feed over at Spotify & iTunes! You will need to download iTunes to view it. Here is the iTunes link: iTunes AMA Here is the Spotify link: Spotify AMA PokerCoaching.com has …
Matt Affleck Discord AMA 2022! Read More »
The post Matt Affleck Discord AMA 2022! first appeared on Jonathan Little.
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CardsChat with David Williams
On episode #77 of the CardsChat podcast we have the pleasure of welcoming David Williams. A highly successful poker player originally from Arlington, Texas who now lives in Las Vegas, David has over $8.8 million in live tournament cashes across a range of poker variants. Most notably, he came in second place in the 2004 WSOP Main Event, runner up to Greg Raymer. He has also won other prestigious tournaments, including a World Poker Tour World Championship title, and a title at the 2009 WCOOP. Away from poker, David has competed on MasterChef, King of Vegas, and is an accomplished Magic the Gathering player. On today’s show, we’ll get to know him a little better.
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PokerNews Podcast: Guest Daniel Cates is Winning the Game of Life
In the latest PokerNews Podcast, Sarah Herring and Chad Holloway discuss the latter’s big $50,000 score after finishing fifth in the Mid-States Poker Tour (MSPT) Riverside in Iowa, debate whether or not there could be a Tom Dwan vs. Doug Polk WSOP bracelet bet, and share Jack Effel’s message incentivizing WSOP dealers. They also share details on the upcoming PokerNews Texas Road Trip, recap EPT Prague and 2022 US Poker Open winners, and spotlight Ethan “RampagePoker” Yau’s up-and-down week. Finally, they welcome guest Daniel “jungleman” Cates to the show to talk about his new podcast, Winning the Game of Life, which recently launched with none other than Phil Hellmuth as his first guest. Time Stamps Time|Topic 00:24 | Welcome to the show 01:00 | Teasing guest Daniel “Jungleman” Cates 01:20 | Chad finishes 5th in MSPT Riverside for $50,000! 05:23 | Controversial Dan Bekavac becomes three-time MSPT champ 08:17 | Tom Dwan vs. Doug Polk WSOP bracelet bet? 14:14 | WSOP is looking for dealers! 15:00 | A message from Jack Effel 17:37 | The PokerNews Texas Road Trip 21:55 | Daniel Cates launches new podcast 22:38 | Guest Daniel Cates joins the show 25:45 | Why have Phil Hellmuth as first guest? 27:34 | Who might we expect for future episodes? 31:10 | Fighting introversion while becoming a podcast host 32:10 | What kind of parties do you want to throw? 34:30 | Being a poker nomad 35:03 | Will you be at the 2022 WSOP? 36:35 | Social enterprise is the way to go 42:15 | Ethan “RampagePoker” Yau has a rollercoaster week 47:47 | Online qualifier strikes it big in EPT Prague Main Event 50:05 | Early winners from the 2022 US Poker Open 54:58 | Shout out to all the sponsors
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Episode 141 – How Optimistic Do We Need To Be?
Welcome to Episode 141! MTT Coach Gareth James and Peak Performance Mindset Coach & Educator Dr. Tricia Cardner are back discussing all things poker strategy & mindset. In this episode, the hosts discussed the role of optimism in poker success or lack thereof. Topics covered include: ●The definitions of optimism and pessimism ●How your outlook can dictate how you respond to failures●The importance of savoring wins and tracking momentum * em>
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#207 Adam “Roothless” Levy: Throwback to Online Poker’s Wild West
Today’s guest on CPG is an OG of the online poker world, Adam “Roothless” Levy. In his combined online & live tournament poker career, Roothless has cashed for close to $8,000,000.And since Adam’s poker career started way, way back… you gotta just know we’re gonna spend some time reminiscing about the golden age of poker… an age where Adam Levy absolutely feasted.In 2006, Roothless hit #5 in PocketFive’s online poker rankings and then at the WSOP in 2008, he was on the receiving end of a classic Hellmuth’ian rant. If you’re a fan of such things, all you gotta do is grab your popcorn and google “Hellmuth Adam Levy rant”.The problem with feasting & good times is that, alas, they inevitably come to an end.As your about to learn, in Adam Levy’s case, Black Friday was an especially bitter pill to swallow because of his genuine love for everything online poker. So in today’s episode with Adam “Roothless” Levy you’re going to hear all about those glory days, what he got into after Black Friday, and what his life looks like today.Now, without any further ado, I bring to you the “Roothless” one… Adam Levy.To learn more about the Free Nuffle promotion, visit: https://freenuffle.comCPG Cash Game Courses!Preflop Bootcamp: https://bit.ly/Preflop-BootcampFish in a Barrel: http://bit.ly/fish-in-a-barrelNeutralize Flop Leads: https://bit.ly/2OkN8Yt
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Ladies Knight with Jen Shahade ft. Anastasiya Rakhmangulova LK040
Jennifer welcomes Women’s International Master and former Ukrainian Champion Anastasiya Rakhmangulova to Ladies Knight. Jennifer first heard about Anastasia, who goes by “Nastia”, in the 2020 Isolated Queens tournament, an online event that Jen hosted with Alexandra Botez at the start of the pandemic. Almost two years later, Nastia began to update her Instagram followers…
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Ep 128 – The Destroyer and the Fellas Talk Poker and Life
Welcome back! We have a great fellas episode today. We answer your poker DMs and give some life updates- Jake is getting married and having surgery, the second leg of the Mintzy Tour has ended, Smitty needs a hug, and Nate might move to Vegas. We also talk some WSOP, give beginner cash game advice, and talk about The Dozen trivia show. A fun fellas show with the Destroyer and the boys. Enjoy!
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#69 Tactical Tuesday: Coach Brad and Jon Make a Bet
On this week’s episode of Tactical Tuesday, Coach Brad and Jon decide to switch up the format. Jon presents two hands where he fired a river bluff and Coach Brad has to guess which bluff got through and which one didn’t. If Brad guesses correctly, Jon pays $100 and vice versa if Brad guesses incorrectly. See if you can figure out which bluff got through and which one got picked off and who wins the $100!New CPG Cash Game Courses!Preflop Bootcamp: https://bit.ly/Preflop-BootcampFish in a Barrel: http://bit.ly/fish-in-a-barrelNeutralize Flop Leads: https://bit.ly/2OkN8Y
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The Bernard Lee Poker Show 3-22-22 with Guest Linda Johnson
The First Lady of Poker, Hall of Famer Linda Johnson, is Bernard Lee’s guest.
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Ep 362 – Chats: Evan “Gripsed” Jarvis on cash vs. tournaments, his many poker roles and his book!
Evan “Gripsed” Jarvis has been sharing his knowledge of poker with recreational poker players for a long time, and this week he joins the panel to talk about his life in poker, and what he loves about the game. Evan recalls getting his feet wet in the business of poker, some different strategies you might employ in cash games vs. tournaments, what it’s like to write a poker book, where he likes to play live, the state of online poker in Ontario, when to buy in for the max, and more!
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How to Find and Exploit non-Bread & Butter Fishy Players #383
Visit the show notes page for a transcript of today’s episode: https://www.smartpokerstudy.com/BreadandButter Get 30% off membership to www.thepokerforge.com with code “march30” at checkout. ThePokerForge.com is my one-of-a-kind online poker training site with 9 masterclass courses that teach you how to play profitable online poker. Watch FREE YouTube poker training videos Get fresh and free Daily Poker Tips Check me out on Twitter @smartpokerstudy
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The Mark Hoke Show #44 – Farewell to The Bad Guy, Cody’s Conundrum and Another New Jericho
It’s another 90 minute edition of “The Mark Hoke Show” with Mark Hoke, Andrew “Fish” Fain and Joe DeFalco! The trio hits the KDWN airwaves to discuss the legacy of Scott Hall, Toni Storm hitting OnlyFans, Cody Rhodes returning to WWE, Brock Lesnar breaking stuff, Chris Jericho’s newest re-invention, the ongoing battle between pro wrestling and sports entertainment and the future of Gable Steveson. Thanks for listening!
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The Poker Show – Episode 24 – GPITHM Podcast Network
The boys go over the major event results from around the globe, take a look at the first GPI PoY leaderboards for the year and pay their respects to a pizza legend, Dom DeMarco, by choosing the best pizza topping ever.
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Are These Blockers Worth A $100k Call?
Heads up for a prestigious online title, one player takes a concept to the edge. Did he go too far?
Scroll down to see when the poker analysis begins.
FLOP:6c7h8 TURN:Kd RIVER: 7d
WhatIfGod:Qd4d Collilas:Ad8h
Analysis begins at 12:26
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