Following the rise of digitalization, online poker and competitive gaming have reached heightened levels of global popularity. Fundamentally, their individual progress can be credited to a whole host of different factors. However, in rising to the forefront almost simultaneously throughout the 21st century, it poses questions regarding the similarities between both sectors. So, let’s take a look at the similarities between online poker and eSports.
Heightened Convenience in the Digital Era
Given that there is a projected penetration rate of approximately 94.85 per cent within Britain regarding total internet access throughout the population in 2021, few can argue that accessibility hasn’t played a significant role in developing digital markets. Within the global eSports industry, the emergence of video-streaming platforms such as Twitch has provided the foundations for sustainable long-term success.
Because of the free sign-up nature of the platform, the sector can attract a diverse demographic. This is evident from the market’s statistics, as, between 2017 and 2012, projections anticipate an audience gain of over 200 million people. Moreover, of these viewers, Lightstream also reported that, while the industry was predominantly attracting millennial viewers, 28 per cent of the sector’s spectators were aged between 36 and 65.
Within the online poker industry, on the other hand, accessible, user-friendly operators have also been the catalyst for the market’s growth. Moreover, because increasing numbers of platforms have sought to optimise their gaming services for smartphones, contemporary bettors can immerse themselves in varied titles in an undeniably convenient fashion. As per Statista, this has resulted in a growing shift in the sector’s demographic, with heightened numbers of new-age gamers exploring the potential of iGaming. Intriguingly, this trend is also visible throughout eSports.
Taking Inspiration From Each Other
Upon almost establishing itself as a £1 billion industry following its recent success, the eSports sector has been able to branch out and experiment with new game-orientated services. Because of this, the last few years have seen the emergence of eSports betting platforms, as well as review sites, which have become particularly popular within the world of online poker.
An example of this is Winners.net, as the website finds and reviews the best bookmakers across a wide array of different eSports betting sites. The gateway to various operators ensures that all of the latest bonuses and reviews are available in one place, especially across leading titles such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, League of Legends, and more.
While, in this regard, it’s plausible to suggest that the eSports industry has taken inspiration from online casinos, it’s apparent that iGaming has also looked towards competitive gaming for ideas. In 2018, Twitch announced that they would allow for players to stream poker, leading many to believe that this development would prove to the future of the sector. Crucially, this advancement enables the iGaming sector to attract casual viewers because of the high-volume audience base that the service possesses.
Ability to Continue Growing Together
Ultimately, despite being competitors, the subtle differences between the sectors have allowed them to grow alongside each other. Not only that, but their progression has provided the foundations for each market to explore new approaches to expanding their participant and viewership figures. As a result, given their accessibility and adaptability, there is no reason that both industries can’t enjoy a fruitful future.