Online poker in the state of Pennsylvania is lagging behind the other US online poker states, and we are intent on changing that and asking for your help to #GrowPApoker.
On Tuesday May 7 pokerfuse is sponsoring a coordinated social media campaign designed to get the attention of lawmakers in Pennsylvania, asking them to support HB 2078 – legislation authorizing the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board (and making it its duty) to enter a shared liquidity agreement with other states.
Allowing poker companies in Pennsylvania to share liquidity with their player pools in New Jersey, Michigan and Nevada would result in:
- Bigger poker tournament guarantees
- More games running more often
- More tax revenue for PA
- More responsible gaming protections for PA players
- The ability to compete for more WSOP Online Bracelets and Circuit Rings
And the more the US online poker scene grows, the more tax revenue it will generate and the more lawmakers in other states will take notice, making them more likely to support online poker legislation in their states.
What We are Asking Players to Do
We are asking poker players (especially those in Pennsylvania) to take to Twitter/X on Tuesday May 7 and mention key lawmakers in PA, the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board and Governor Josh Shapiro while asking them to support HB 2078. And don’t forget to @pokerfuse and use #GrowPApoker. Here is the list:
- @GovernorShapiro
- @RepBradford
- @RepDunbar
- @RepRozzi
- @russdiamond
- @PAGamingControl
- @pokerfuse
We are even making it easy for you. If you like, on May 7, you can use the text below in your post.
But until then, we are also asking players to spread the word and recruit others to join the campaign. Between now and May 7, reach out to friends, families, influencers and whoever you think will join us on May 7 and ask for their support.
Reaching out on your socials is a great way to build support because the more activity around the campaign that is visible, the more likely others are to do the same and join the campaign. Again, feel free to copy and paste the following when trying to recruit others
What Pokerfuse is Doing
We are doing our part to bring shared liquidity to Pennsylvania too. We are reaching out to our friends and asking for their support in getting the word out about the campaign and asking their friends and followers to join us on May 7. We have (or will be) reaching out to our contacts at:
- Online poker rooms
- Other poker media outlets
- Influential poker players from the area
- Online poker communities
Don’t Let PA Poker Players Get Left Behind
With WSOP.com connecting its online poker player pool in Michigan to the original US shared liquidity player pool of WSOP Nevada and WSOP New Jersey, poker companies are continuing to leverage the interstate compact (MISGA) to grow poker across America.
However, online poker in Pennsylvania remains segregated from the rest of the states currently offering legal US online poker.
In addition to joining us on May 7, there are things players that actually reside in Pennsylvania can do to ask their representatives to support shared liquidity.
In an exclusive interview on the pokerfuse podcast, former Poker Players Alliance (PPA) Executive Director John Pappas, who led what was the most successful online poker lobbying efforts in the US, provides tips for meeting your representatives in person to ask them to support shared liquidity.
And on our #GrowPApoker page, we have links to online resources that will help you identify your state reps and get their contact information. We also prove sample letters that you can use to mail to your reps or drop off at their office.
Every little it helps, so get involved in shaping the laws that govern your state and help #GrowPApoker,