- When the Hesse Ministry of the Interior made its decision as to which of the applicants for 20 sports betting licenses would be successful, pokerfuse PRO predicted that it would set off an immediate legal challenge.
- Some of the unsuccessful applicants immediately launched legal claims, and the Verwaltungsgericht Wiesbaden— Wiesbaden Administrative Court—has issued a ruling to stop the licenses being issued.
- The delay could be indefinite.
When the Hesse Ministry of the Interior made its decision as to which of the applicants for 20 sports betting licenses would be successful, pokerfuse PRO predicted that it would set off an immediate legal challenge.
Some of the unsuccessful applicants immediately launched legal claims, and the Verwaltungsgericht Wiesbaden—Wiesbaden Administrative Court—has now issued a ruling to stop the licenses being issued.
The license decision was made at the beginning of September, and the Ministry accompanied it with a delay to the actual issue of the licenses in anticipation of litigation.