Due to the pending presidential election, most people seem skeptical of the passage of an online poker bill in 2012. However, both the Poker Players Alliance (PPA) and the American Gambling Association (AGA) are holding out hope.
According to an email sent to its members by Membership Director Bryan Spadaro, the PPA is hopeful that the interests of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) and Assistant Republican Leader Jon Kyl (R-Arizona) will be the catalyst needed to get legislation through this year.
“If these two well-regarded, highly-influential Senators can reach an agreement, the chances of the bill’s success are greatly enhanced, even during a highly-charged presidential campaign,” writes Spadaro.
The American Gaming Association has similar hopes. When asked why he thought online poker legislation had failed this year, AGA President and CEO Frank Fahrenkopf Jr. responded, “I’m not sure it has failed yet.”
“I know that Senator Reid and others are working very hard on a piece of legislation which would allow online poker with states’ rights being respected … I haven’t given up hope that something may yet be accomplished in the regular session,” Fahrenkopf added.