- “Online Poker Against Cheating” (OPAC) to wants bring together top online poker operators to information-share on bots and cheaters.
- He drew similarities with The Esports Integrity Coalition.
- A previous attempt fell apart due to the stringent GDPR data protection laws in the European Union that curtails the sharing of personal information.
Partypoker spokesperson Rob Yong has announced that he wants to create an independent body called “Online Poker Against Cheating” (OPAC) which will see top online poker operators come together to ban bots and cheating players across all major sites.
Over the coming months, he hopes to develop OPAC into an information-sharing body between partypoker and other top operators such as PokerStars, 888 and MPN so that they can stop cheating players and bots from playing on each other’s sites.
Rob Yong first spoke about the OPAC initiative as part of a far-reaching interview with pokerfuse last week. Yong, along with the Head of partypoker Tom Waters, discussed their recent policy changes, including banning HUDs, forcing screen name changes, and putting a stop to downloadable hand histories.