PokerStars, the worlds largest online poker room, is celebrating one year since it first introduced its popular Spin and Go tournaments, and in doing so has awarded $1 million prizes to six players so far in the week since the festivities began.
Spin and Gos are three-player poker tournaments that are played at hyper-turbo speed and offer a randomized payout schedule that ranges from double to thousands of times the buy-in.
In conjunction with the one year anniversary, PokerStars has introduced bigger prizes for its lucky players that get selected to play for its largest payouts. Now players can play for up to 10,000 times their buy-in making a $1 million first prize a permanent part of their $100 buy-in game.
The bigger payout now happen less often. Previously the top prize of the jackpot tournaments would occur one time in every 100,000 tournaments; now they happen just three times in every million tournaments played. However, the $1 million first place prize has been triggered twice already in the first week.
Promotional Million Dollar Prizes
In addition to the now standard million dollar payouts for its $100 buy-in Spin and Gos, and for a limited time only, there are million dollar prizes at both the 50c and $5 tournaments.
The promotional $5 Spin and Gos are scheduled to payout the $1 million first place prize once in every ten million tournaments, and it has already produced four millionaires since the festivities started a week ago.
As part of the celebration, PokerStars is also offering a deposit bonus for all, plus daily challenges that award tournament tickets.