Over the last few weeks, pokerfuse has been working tirelessly to help bring much-needed shared liquidity to Pennsylvania online poker. As a part of that effort, May 7 was chosen as the day for a social media blitz to nudge key decision-makers in the state to do what needs to be done for The Keystone State to join the Multi-State Internet Gaming Agreement (MSIGA).
PokerStars PA, one of the largest regulated poker sites in the state, has decided to support these efforts in its own way, setting up a #GrowPApoker freeroll on May 7, featuring a symbolic prize pool of $2,078.
For those not up to date with legislative happenings, the reason why this particular number was picked is because of the HB 2078, a bill that would authorize the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board to enter into a shared liquidity compact with other states.
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Why Shared Liquidity is Important
Continuous expansion of the MSIGA is essential to online poker in the United States. As the number of members in the agreement grows, the overall player pool becomes much larger and healthier, creating new possibilities for operators and making the overall experience more enjoyable for the players.
There is no doubt that shared liquidity would be advantageous for online poker rooms, but players are the ones who would see the biggest benefits. With Pennsylvania in the mix, the overall traffic would become even healthier, and tournament guarantees would certainly soar.
- Creates bigger poker tournament prize pools
- Helps games run more often
- Generates interest in different types of poker games
- Incentivizes play on legal, regulated sites
- Increases consumer protections
- Generates additional tax revenue for all citizens of Pennsylvania
PokerStars was the first (and so far, the only) regulated site to take advantage of Michigan joining the MSIGA back in 2023, merging its New Jersey and Michigan player pools together, and PokerStars would likely waste no time bringing its PA player pool into the fold as soon as legal requirements for this are met.
WSOP.com was the first operator to share online poker liquidity across state lines when it combined its player pools in Nevada and New Jersey. While we believe this can happen any day now, to date, WSOP MI has not yet been added to the WSOP shared liquidity player pool.
BetMGM has yet to announce any plans to combine its player pools in New Jersey and Michigan.
Join #GrowPApoker Efforts & Claim Some Free Cash
The #GrowPApoker freeroll is already available in the PokerStars PA client and everybody is welcome to join once the registration opens. The tournament takes place on May 7 at 19:00 ET, and the registration will start six hours prior.
As mentioned, the event features a prize pool of $2,078, so there is a fair bit of bonus money to fight for.
While there are no restrictions or requirements to join the action, we’d also like to take this opportunity to invite everyone once again to join the social media blitz on this day and hit up key lawmakers to keep the momentum going. You can find all the information on what you can do to help on our dedicated #GrowPApoker page.
Pennsylvania is the last state with live and regulated online poker still not in the MSIGA, and it’s high time to change this. The bill is ready, players are eager to see this, so it’s just about sending that message out in force and making sure your voice is heard!