The latest episode of The Big Game that aired last Saturday kept and build on the energy from the last week, as there were almost no dull moments to speak of.
One man stole the show, albeit for the wrong reasons, after accidentally checking the nuts on the river, costing himself a lot of money.
The mishap took the focus away somewhat from the loose cannon, who had a rough start to the session last Saturday but finally managed to find her groove and claw back some of the losses.
Keep scrolling to watch the full episode of PokerStars The Big Game Season 3 Episode 7 below.
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Careful With Your Hands
Physical actions can be just as binding as verbal declarations at a poker table, and if you aren’t careful, you can easily send a wrong signal to the dealer and other players. The amateur Dave Krosky learned this lesson the hard way.
Dave got in a hand with Sam Grafton and proceeded to check-raise his inside straight draw on the flop. Sam was all too happy to oblige, having flopped the second set.
The action went check-check on the turn, and the river brought the dream card for Krosky, filling his straight and giving him the nuts.
Sam, whose set of sixes was still a very strong hand, checked again with the intention of check-raising against any normal-sized bet. This is where things got out of hand.
As he was thinking about how big to bet with $12,000 already in the pot, Dave tapped the table several times. The dealer saw the tapping, announced the check, and Grafton turned over his set of sixes, fully expecting it to be good after his opponent checked.
Realizing what had happened, Krosky was shell-shocked, explaining that he did not want to check and asking if he was still allowed to bet. He was told no by both the dealer and the floor, and he had to sheepishly turn over his hand.
The amateur scooped a nice pot, but with the way the hands were set up, he missed out on at least another $20,000. Sam even said he had every intention of raising Krosky’s river bet, which only added to the sting.
It was an expensive lesson, so it’s safe to say that Dave will be much more mindful of his gestures moving forward.
Coolers Continue on The Big Game
While some players would have been fuming, Krosky took a different approach, laughing at the situation and chalking it up to his lack of experience. It was perhaps because of this attitude that the poker gods decided to give him another opportunity on the very next hand.
Once again, he was up against Sam, who said he now felt like he was freerolling, as his stack was supposed to be gone.
Grafton flopped a set of fives on the board of Ah5s2s, while Dave held a pair and a straight draw with 5h3h. The 4c on the turn completed Krosky’s straight, but the money went in regardless. They decided to run the river twice, but Sam bricked on both runs, so the amateur scooped a $108k pot, and Grafton’s “freeroll” was short-lived.
Lily Newhouse on the Comeback Trail
Lily Newhouse, the designated loose cannon, came into the last week’s episode with less than half of her starting stack and with her work cut out for her.
After advice and encouragement from Nadya Magnus, however, Newhouse was able to gather her thoughts and her spirit, determined to claw her way back.
Although she wasn’t involved in any massive pots, Lily managed to pick up a couple of decent-sized ones and avoid further coolers, bringing her back up to $33,000 with some 90 hands still to go.
There is a lot of action left before the final hand is dealt, and more than enough time for Lily Newhouse to turn the tables and get into profit. The next episode will be airing on Saturday, August 10, and with stacks growing big, it could be the most exciting one yet!