PokerStars is getting ready to celebrate another billion-hand milestone. It was only in July when the 65 billionth hand was dealt; three months and 5 billion hands later it is time to open the champagne again.
The latest milestone promotion will award cash prizes to players dealt into each of the 300 milestones hands on the run up to the big 70bn, starting at hand number 69,700,000,000 and continuing every 1m hands. The 700 billionth hand being the “Mega Milestone” will guarantee the winner of that hand at least $70k.
Cash prizes will be awarded only in real money ring games, with all players dealt in to the hand receiving $50 plus an additional $50 for each VIP Player Point (VPP) they accumulated over the previous 50 hands played at that table. The winner of each milestone hand will have their VPP portion of the cash award doubled.
Players dealt into the “Mega Milestone” 70 billionth hand will receive $500 plus an additional $500 for every VPP they accumulated over the previous 50 hands played at that table. The winner of the hand will also take home an extra $70k on top.