- Revolution sites remain the lowest rated of all significant US-facing networks for cashout times.
- For international players, Moneybookers/Skrill options on the network are approaching two months.
The Revolution Poker Network, home of skins Lock Poker and Cake Poker, Juicy Stakes and other sites, continues to struggle under the weight of lengthy, worldwide withdrawal delays that have some onlookers questioning the network’s financial health and asset liquidity.
The troubles at Revolution have steadily progressed following Lock’s acrimonious departure in 2012 from its former home as a Merge Network site, at which time it purchased the Cake Poker Network and rebranded it under the Revolution name.
Plagued by such issues as the temporary loss of Lock’s US-facing Western Union check processor, delays for Americans are stretching well beyond three months, as reported on several player forums. Lock recently announced the resumption of a WU option, but it’s too soon to see if it will result in reduced withdrawal times.
While most networks servicing the US necessarily have delays involved in the payment-processing area, what is unexplained at Revolution are similar lengthy backlogs for international players.
Since such payments can be processed in as little as a few hours via existing e-payment channels, reports of delays approaching two months for such players exceed reasonable expectations. Among the services particularly impacted in forum reports are Revolution’s Moneybookers/Skrill options.
Revolution sites remain the lowest rated of all significant US-facing networks for cashout times, according to a monthly processing report published by PokerAffiliateSolutions. Lock’s grade of “D” for January remains unchanged from December, while the Juicy Stakes family of skins, which includes the former US players from Cake Poker, ranks even lower at “D-”.
Anecdotally, the Revolution Network continues to struggle with a weak level of consumer confidence. Lock Poker’s bickering with rival networks Bodog and Merge is well known, and Lock was recently dropped as a sponsor by at least one small podcaster/blogger, the mercurial Scotty Clark, who cited the slow payouts as the reason for ending his Lock partnership.
Correction June 2013: At the time of writing, it was understood that Lock Poker is owned by Revolution. This has since been denied by Lock representatives and the article has been corrected to avoid confusion.