UB has terminated their entire stable of sponsored poker professionals, according to a press release issued by Blanca Games earlier today. Joe Sebok, Prahlad Friedman, Eric “Basebaldy” Baldwin, Maria Ho, Brandon Cantu, Tiffany Michelle, Scott Ian, “Hollywood” Dave Stann, Adam “Roothlus” Levy, and Bryan Devonshire were dismissed by UB and Trishelle Cannatella was let go by Absolute Poker.
Blanca attributes these additional reductions in force to “the severe impact of 'Black Friday’ on the business”. These actions by Blanca follow previous reductions in staff that were announced last week.
With regards to the return of players’ funds, the company states:
The company’s legal counsel continues to move forward in ongoing discussion with the U.S. Attorney’s office with the ultimate objective of reaching an agreement with the Department of Justice that would facilitate the return of funds to U.S. players.
Between apologies on his latest blog post, Joe Sebok writes, “I haven’t given up hope that all of you will get your money back. I believe that UB is making many, many efforts to get you that money.” Brian Devonshire has passed along promises of UB as he tweeted earlier , “UB released me today, has promised return of funds.”