The Chip Race – Season 12 Episode 1 – Dan Smith Soheb Porbandarwala Ian Simpson Jen Mason
Dara and David are kicking off Season 12 in style with an interview with one of the greatest poker players of all time Dan Smith! They sit down with the prodigious and hilarious Soheb Porbandarwala. They talk about the Irish Poker Open and more with player and writer Jen Mason. There’s also double-Ian Simpson as he does a news-round up before joining the lads in strategy corner.
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#GalfondChallenge Recap: The Story Book Ending – DAT Poker Podcast Episode #70
This Week On DAT Poker Podcast: We are joined by commentator David Tuchman as Dnegs had to sit this one out. A full recap the unreal comeback victory by Phil Galfond against VeniVidi. We were all sweating the final match live, and it all came down to the last 200 or so hands. We gloat about our 100-1 bet with Daniel and play back how that all happened. Adam and Terrence also review some tweets and a voicemail, recounting their biggest heaters! Leave us voicemail for a future show 1.775.434.2932, Interact with us on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DatPokerPod/ or find us on Twitter!
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Poker Fraud Alert Radio – 04/11/2020 – The Big Stars of ACR
Vintage One & tradershky co-host. (Topic begins at 0:26:17 mark): Major celebrities promote COVID-19 charity tournament on ACR.... (0:58:25): Dude plays like a lady: Winner of $30k Women’s Platinum Pass on Pokerstars was actually male…. (1:17:36): Marle Cordeiro files new lawsuit against Mike Postle — Eric Bensamochan help analyze…. (1:29:39): Stones files new motion to dismiss class action suit….
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April 10th, 2020 – Jason “SnostnLost” Smith
On this episode of the Tournament Poker Edge Podcast, Clayton is joined by Jason “SnostnLost” Smith. Jason is fresh off a little break from the tables, but discusses his return to the felt, the current online poker boom and of course dig in to some strategy.
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#51 Zachary Elwood: The Art of Poker Tells
Yooooo what is happening my friend? This is your host Brad Wilson, the founder of Enhance Your Edge.com and today’s guest is author and teacher Zachary Elwood.If you’ve ever been interested in diving deeper in the art of reading and interpreting physical tells, this is the show for you.
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Episode 179 – 10/04/2020 – Michael Kaplan
James and Joe speak to Michael Kaplan, Senior Features Writer at The New York Post, about his recent article on the real ‘Molly’s Game’, suggesting Tobey Maguire and Houston Curtis were the real masterminds behind this infamous high stakes Hollywood poker game. Michael also talks about his other poker writing, including stories on Phil Ivey and an interview with the legendary Stu Ungar shortly before his death.
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Postflop Poker Podcast – Episode 102 – Studying GTO Poker
As casinos close and more and more people worldwide are isolating, online poker enjoys a resurgence. We devote most of this episode to Ben’s new project, which involves an extensive study of GTO poker. Find out what he’s up to and how it might help your game. There’s a strat-chat hand, which features no hole cards and GTO range versus range analysis. In other news poor Merv, struggling to find any poker games, tells us how his business has been thrown into turmoil, forcing him into 16 moves in 6 weeks.
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Work to Improve Your Poker Return on Investment #286
Show Notes for this episode: https://www.smartpokerstudy.com/pod286 Hosted by Sky Matsuhashi, poker player, coach and author. Check out my YouTube Poker Training Channel Enable my “Daily Poker Tips” Alexa Skill for a daily 30-second poker tip in your Flash Briefing. United States Canada United Kingdom Australia India Daily Poker Tips is also a podcast, so look for it wherever you listen to podcasts. Twitter smartpokerstudy Instagram
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He’s Considering Calling A 2x Pot Bet With WHAT???
It’s heads up for a $50k High Roller, and an amateur is tasked with figuring out Mikita Badziakouski. Does he get it right? Grant and Jonathan break it down.
FLOP: 2d 9c 4c TURN: 2s River: As
For access to exclusive Poker Guys freerolls and other tournaments on Nitrogen Sports Poker Room, use this link to sign up: www.nitrogensports.eu/r/632610
***Our Book is NOW AVAILABLE! Get “How Can He Fold???” here: www.thepokerguys.net
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Molly’s Game, Mike Postle and charity
APRIL 10 POKERCAST RECAP: We have more on Molly’s Game, another Mike Postle lawsuit, a charitable player and pro gambler protection. We also complete an O’Mally’s Move and Vic has another Hand of the Week.
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118 – James Whittet – Bulletproof Daily Routines
James Whittet, a former high-stakes player and mindset coach to poker professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners, shares why he’s grateful for Black Friday and the possibilities it presented. He talks about what motivates him and how the source of his drive has changed over the course of his life. James and Elliot break down the three biggest challenges poker players have and how a player’s well-being has a direct impact on their bottom line.
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He’s Considering Calling A 2x Pot Bet With WHAT???
It’s heads up for a $50k High Roller, and an amateur is tasked with figuring out Mikita Badziakouski. Does he get it right? Grant and Jonathan break it down.
FLOP: 2d 9c 4c TURN: 2s River: As
For access to exclusive Poker Guys freerolls and other tournaments on Nitrogen Sports Poker Room, use this link to sign up: www.nitrogensports.eu/r/632610
***Our Book is NOW AVAILABLE! Get “How Can He Fold???” here: www.thepokerguys.net
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WPH #298: Dealing with LIMPERS in Live Cash Games!
Weekly Poker Hand #298: Dealing with limpers can be tough at times, especially limpers who are maniacal post-flop. This hand is a great example of what not to do against…(Visited 19 time, 1 visit today)
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PokerNews Podcast: Matt Stout Talks WSOP.com Heater; Ted Forrest on the Quarantine Life
Chad Holloway joins Jeff Platt as co-host for the latest episode of the PokerNews Podcast. This week they talk to guest Matt Stout, who was named “Player of the Series” in the WSOP.com Online Super Circuit Series. They also touch base with poker legend Ted Forrest to find out what he’s doing during these unprecedented times. Toss in updates on the Galfond Challenge, Irish Poker Open, and Josh Arieh’s wild basketball gambling story, and it’s an episode you shouldn’t miss. This week’s sponsors: GG Poker, Oddschecker US, and Run It Once.
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Ep 54 – Is ACR Safe To Play On, Donation-Shaming Billionaires, And Jake Answers Rapid Fire Questions
The show kicks off with us giving our honest opinions on ACR including some conspiracies and our thoughts on if we think it’s shady or not. We then talk about people on Twitter who donation-shame online, those who HATE people who donate money, Jake answers rapid-fire questions to help people with their poker game, and then we finish the show talking about Timex’s prop bet to make 90/100 free throws before the end of the year. Thanks for listening, love you, enjoy!
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Marle Cordeiro Files Lawsuit Against Mike Postle
Lance Bradley and Donnie Peters bring you a new episode of The Fives Poker Podcast to discuss the latest news from the poker world, including Marle Cordeiro’s lawsuit against Mike Postle, the Galfond Challenge, and more.
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Top Pair Home Game Poker Podcast Ep. #352: More Online Poker Home Game Talk
Online poker home games continue to surge in popularity in the Coronavirus era. Bruce and Robbie speak with two home game poker hosts, Robert and Chad, to learn how they handle cash games, tech issues, funds tracking, and more, plus some interesting ideas – like a private “March Madness” style bracket competition for online poker home game aficionados. George Chao of BBO Poker Tables speaks about the importance of family bonding while playing board games (not just poker) and Ben Ludlow caps off the show with a One Outer showcasing a number of unique and interesting online poker products he’s developed that’ll surely give you a good chuckle.
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Be Realistic – A Little Coffee with Jonathan Little, 4-8-2020
You can join the PokerCoaching 3-Betting Challenge for just $7 and go through structured content every day for 1-week to improve your 3-betting skills. JOIN the challenge! POKER COACHING: PokerCoaching.com…(Visited 12 time, 1 visit today)
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4 Poker Strategies to Deal With Coronavirus
James and Zac talk about how you can apply skills you’ve learned from poker to dealing with a crisis like coronavirus.
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E027: Farah Galfond’s Inside Scoop on the Galfond Challenge & Life in Quarantine
Special guest Farah Galfond gives us a look inside life behind the Galfond Challenge, including discussion of the difficulties of parenting a 1-year-old in quarantine, dealing with social media trolls, and her take on Phil’s massive comeback against VeniVidi1993.
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#50 Carlos Welch: Following His Bliss While Living in a Used Prius
This is your host Brad Wilson, the founder of EnhanceYourEdge .com and today’s guest is a man who has never been shy about following his bliss, Carlos Welch.Carlos is an MTT grinder and poker coach who exemplifies the phrase, “Dance to the beat of your own drummer.”In our conversation you’re going to hear all about Carlos’s journey from being a high school math teacher who had “all the things you’re supposed to have” (House, car, job, relationship) to traveling around the country and living a life that’s true to himself, which means playing cards and living out of his Prius.
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Cowboy Uncertainty – Episode 173
More Great Poker Content!Sign Up for Solve for Why poker training and get 5% off using coupon code: JustJackJust Hands has a new membership program on patreon! Sign up to support the creation of more episodes.https://www.patreon.com/justhandsHand History:1-3 Homegame 1k effectiveUTG opens $20, Hero on BU with KcKd 3bets to $65, UTG calls. Heads up to flop.$125 Flop QdTc6dVillain checks, hero bets $85, villain raises to $300, hero calls.$725 9cVillain goes all-in for $600, hero?
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The Bernard Lee Poker Show 04-07-20 with Guest Matt Savage
Matt Savage, Executive Tour Director of the WPT, is Bernard Lee’s guest.
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The #GalfondChallenge Comeback Is Complete (for now), Prop Bets & Stories, Mailbag Questions – DAT Poker Podcast Episode #69
This Week On DAT Poker Podcast: The guys begin talking about Tiger King and how they’ve been killing time in isolation. Daniel has been playing some invite only online games that he shares a bit about.
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Ep 174 – Hand from Russia SHRB
The RecPoker panel of Steve Fredlund, Jim Reid, Chris Jones, Rob Washam, John Somsky, and Andrew Feist discuss what they have been learning, struggling with, and working on in regard to recent on-line poker experience. They also take a look at a hand history from the Russia Super High Roller Bowl.
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Poker Action Line 04/06/2020
Sandra Mohr, Director of the documentary film “Poker Queens”, joins BIG Dave to discuss the process of putting together an impressive document highlighting the top female players in poker. They also talk about how she demonstrated the different treatment that men and women receive at the felt by actually disguising herself as a man.
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Is This The Most Confounding Hand Of The Year?
Garret and Andy are at it again on LATB, and this time they both make some highly unexpected decisions in an attempt to outwit each other. The Poker Guys break it down.
FLOP: Qs Qh 8s TURN: 2c River: 6c
For access to exclusive Poker Guys freerolls and other tournaments on Nitrogen Sports Poker Room, use this link to sign up: www.nitrogensports.eu/r/632610
***Our Book is NOW AVAILABLE! Get “How Can He Fold???” here: www.thepokerguys.net
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Why won’t you commit?
In this episode of the podcast, Andrew asks why men are expected to commit to relationships? Busi ponders this question for a moment and quickly moves onto a different topic.
The post Why won’t you commit? appeared first on Tells Podcast.
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3-Betting Q&A – A Little Coffee with Jonathan Little, 4-6-2020
You can join the PokerCoaching 3-Betting Challenge for just $7 and go through structured content every day for 1-week to improve your 3-betting skills. JOIN the challenge! POKER COACHING: PokerCoaching.com…(Visited 7 time, 1 visit today)
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