Poker Fraud Alert Radio – 12/12/2020 – SLAPP Dat Ass
(Topic begins at 0:20:37 mark): Druff’s attorney Eric Bensamochan comes on to talk about major developments in Mike Postle’s civil case against Druff & others…. (1:22:22): Veteran poker dealer “Patches” gets in fight with unruly Aria player while dealing…. (2:03:42): Update: November ruling in 21 Blitz case goes in favor of plaintiffs…. (2:28:55): Daniel Negreanu continues getting walloped by Doug Polk, has after-game meltdown….
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Ep 226 – Forum on Flipping (@MonkieSystem)
This week, Jim Reid leads the panel through a forum post by @MonkieSystem about when to invite a “flip” in tournaments. While battling it out against each other in the nightly home game, the panel discusses ICM considerations, stack sizes, shoving ranges, and the important difference that fold equity makes to these calculations! Come sign up for a free account at rec.poker today and post a question in the forum for the panel to review! https://rec.poker/groups/mtts/forum/discussion/when-to-take-a-flip/
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#101 Dr. Tricia Cardner: The Facilitator of Poker Greatness
Today’s guest on Chasing Poker Greatness is mindset expert, Author, and podcaster Dr. Tricia Cardner.I feel like a broken record in these intros sometimes with how much these conversations mean to me, but I just get consistently blown away by how amazing the humans who make up the world of cards and Tricia Cardner is no exception.
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Ep 225 – Matt And Jim In The REC Room Small Blind Value
Once a month a Premium member goes one-on-one with a member of the RECing Crew to break down a hand, talk strategy, or discuss how to otherwise get the most out of their poker experience! Email jim@rec.poker if there’s a member of the RECing Crew that YOU’D like to connect with, and we’ll try to match you up! In this episode, we look behind the curtain of a pre-recorded coaching session between Jim and Matt where they discuss Matt’s plan for poker and review a hand where he opens from the small blind with T6s and flops top pair. Sign up for a free Community account at rec.poker to watch the video versions of all our podcasts – and a lot more!
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December 11th, 2020 – Rebuys and Addons and Rake, Oh My!
On this episode of the Tournament Poker Edge Podcast Clayton discusses the implications of casinos raking rebuys/addons, his upcoming final commentary for the World College Poker Championship and provides and short update on the Doug vs. Daniel battle. And, of course, he delves in to some strategy.
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E063: Dan Smith Announces Double Up Drive 2020 for Charity!
On this very special edition of The Rake, high stakes legend (and part-time cowboy) Dan Smith joins hosts Jamie Kerstetter & Marle Cordeiro to announce the launch of his 7th Annual Double Up Drive for Charity, as well as our very own Run It Once Poker SNG Select Shootout: A live-streamed tournament where you can win a seat to play against some of the biggest pros in the game by donating to the Double Up Drive!
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Episode 201 – 10/12/2020 – Michael Cera
Following their 200th anniversary celebration, James and Joe present the after-party! And, having just spoken to the writer/director of ‘Molly’s Game’, they now get to interview one of the stars of the movie, Michael Cera, also known for his roles in ‘Scott Pilgrim vs the World’, ‘Superbad’ and ‘Arrested Development’.
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PokerNews Podcast: Stefanie Ungar-Campbell Shares Stories on Her Father, Stu Ungar
In the latest edition of the PokerNews Podcast, Jeff Platt, Sarah Herring, and Chad Holloway dive into the 2020 World Series of Poker Main Event final table from the international leg on GGPoker, offer thoughts on GGPoker signing Dan Bilzerian as an ambassador, and offer updates on both the Daniel Negreanu vs. Doug Polk and Phil Galfond vs. Chance Kornuth heads-up challenges.
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High Stakes Poker, Dan Bilzerian and more quotes
DEC. 11 POKERCAST RECAP: High Stakes Poker will see the return of Gabe Kaplan and A.J. Benza as hosts of the show next week. Also we have more poker quotes and news about Dan Bilzerian. There’s a new O’Mally’s Move and Steve Calmy has the Hand of the Week with KQo.
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We Can’t Find A Way To Justify This Play
Wackness abounds at a big final table.
FLOP: 10c 10d 4d TURN: Kh River: Jd
WhatIfGod: Qc 6s MissOracle: Qh 8h
For access to exclusive Poker Guys freerolls and other tournaments on Nitrogen Sports Poker Room, use this link to sign up: www.nitrogensports.eu/r/632610
***Our Book is NOW AVAILABLE! Get “How Can He Fold???” here: www.thepokerguys.net
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The Poker Show – Episode 2 – GPITHM Podcast Network
On this edition of The Poker Show, Anthony, Eric and Roland get hyped for the return of High Stakes Poker and Poker After Dark and talk to partypoker and Triton poker superstar Jason Koon.
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#100 Jason Koon: High Stakes Cash Game Legend & $31+ Million in MTT cashes
I have saved a very special episode for you today for landmark episode #100. Today’s guest is one of the all-time greatest poker players to have ever sat down at the green felt, Jason Koon. Jason has racked up over $31 million in MTT cashes which is pretty, pretty, pretty good.
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CardsChat with David Tuchman
On episode #17 of the CardsChat podcast, we have the pleasure of welcoming veteran poker broadcaster and commentator David Tuchman. Longtime poker fans are of course familiar with David’s voice, and have certainly heard him on one broadcast or another over the years, but this show is all about learning what he’s like “beyond the mic”. How did he get into the game? How did he hone his craft? What are his favorite gigs? What does he love most about the game of poker? All that and plenty more interesting topics of conversation await you in this episode.
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How to Earn $20 Daily Playing Poker #321
Show Notes for this episode: https://www.smartpokerstudy.com/pod321 Hosted by Sky Matsuhashi, poker player, coach and author. Check out my YouTube Poker Training Channel Enable my “Daily Poker Tips” Alexa Skill for a daily 30-second poker tip in your Flash Briefing. United States Canada United Kingdom Australia India Daily Poker Tips is also a podcast, so look for it wherever you listen to podcasts. Twitter @smartpokerstudy
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Ep 224 – Michael Acevedo
Michael Acevedo joins the podcast for the first time. Michael is a poker player, coach & author of, “Modern Poker Theory: Building an unbeatable strategy based on GTO principles.” He was a core part of the team to build Pio Solver and has an amazing story of perseverance, hard work, and humility.
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Tactical Tuesday #4: Live High Stakes (w/ a Pop Star Cameo)
In today’s episode Coach Brad and Coach Thomas break down some memorable hands from Coach Brad’s high stakes live poker career.Hand #1 is a $7k pot played against an absolute crusher and Hand #2 is a $30k+ whopper played against a famous pop star.Enjoy.To join the Chasing Poker Greatness VIP Newsletter visit: https://chasingpokergreatness.com/VIP
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The Bernard Lee Poker Show 12-08-20 with Guest Joe Hachem Pt.2
Bernard Lee continues from the archive with the second part of a previous chat with Joe Hachem.
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First Flag – Phil Hellmuth Jr – Episode 3 – GPITHM Podcast Network
On this episode of First Flag, Anthony talks to 15-time World Series of Poker bracelet winner Phil Hellmuth about his first flag. The legendary Poker Brat earned the US flag in Reno, Nevada back in October of 1987.
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How To Beat 100NL Online
In this episode, James and Chris discuss what it takes to beat 100NL in 2020. Focus on key aspects of modern-day poker strategy, including preflop ranges, finding bluffs, bet sizing, and analyzing your player pool.
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E062: Gillian Epp on Dan Bilzerian as a GGPoker Ambassador & More!
This week on The Rake: Live cash legend, and fellow content creator, Gillian Epp! Hosts Marle Cordeiro & Jamie Kerstetter chat with Gillian about GGPoker’s recent decision to add Dan Bilzerian to their ambassador roster, the ethics and etiquette of live cash games, her new show Poker Headlines, and much more!
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Dan Bilzerian Joins GGPoker, WSOP Main Event Kicks Off, High Stakes Poker Lineup Revealed
Lance Bradley and Donnie Peters discuss the latest poker news, including Dan Bilzerian signed with GGPoker, the WSOP Main Event kicking off, and the first lineup for the new season of High Stakes Poker.
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Episode 85 – The Signs and Symptoms of Depression
Welcome to Episode 85! MTT Coach Gareth James and Peak Performance Mindset Coach & Educator Dr. Tricia Cardner are back discussing all things poker strategy & mindset! This episode starts with a brief catch-up with the hosts before answering a listener question regarding depression.
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The Year End Bet
Andrew sustains yet another injury from an outdoor activity, this time from hiking. Busi and Andrew make a bet that Andrew has to complete before year’s end and Busi is unsure if he’ll succeed.We get into some great listener feedback about locaton independence, sleep schedules and to wrap up the podcast we answer a few more questions from the 36 questions that lead to love.
The post The Year End Bet appeared first on Tells Podcast.
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What The Hell Are These Online Wizards Doing?
LlinusLLove and Berri Sweet are playing heads up high stakes online, and they are on different level. The guys break down some outlandish plays.
FLOP: Kd 9d 4d TURN: 4s River: 9s
LLinusLLove: As9c Berri Sweet: 5c 8d
For access to exclusive Poker Guys freerolls and other tournaments on Nitrogen Sports Poker Room, use this link to sign up: www.nitrogensports.eu/r/632610
***Our Book is NOW AVAILABLE! Get “How Can He Fold???” here: www.thepokerguys.net
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89. I Get Interrogated. FT. Hunter.
In this Episode, Pete’s long-term student interviews him about his career choices, weaknesses as a poker player, and more.
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