In the fifth installment of PokerTracker’s teaser videos to promote the forthcoming PT4, the team demonstrated its new “vector-based” heads-up display that promises to offer a re-sizable HUD with advanced configuration options, detailed presets and interchangeable HUD profiles.
Poker Tracker 4 is the next installment of the popular analytics package. Although there are still no firm dates, the team has also announced that a beta test will be available soon. Originally slated for a full public release by the end of the year, the release date has been pushed back for undisclosed reasons. An early 2012 release is now planned following a public testing period.
The PokerTracker team is holding its cards close to its chest, offering no media previews of the software and scant details on new features. However, teaser videos – released intermittently over the last few months – have showcased specific new features, including multi-currency support, built-in equity calculators and a new graphical user interface. Its promotional efforts went up a gear with the endorsement of player of the year Ben Lamb, who sported a PokerTracker patch during the WSOP final table.
Primary competitor Hold’em Manager released its “next generation” tracker, HM2, earlier this month.
You can watch the 5th preview video below: