Betsafe has joined the Fast Poker community today, launching its version of Relax Gaming’s fast fold poker game. Unibet, Betsson and iGame all launched Fast Poker last month.
Betsafe’s standard poker tables are on the Ongame network. According to PokerScout player volumes on Fast Poker are only about 7% those of the Ongame network, but with each player playing almost four times as many hands Betsafe will be expecting a sizeable bump in its revenues from this move.
The success of PokerStars’ Zoom poker variant has been electric, and Relax Gaming is in the fortunate position of being able to offer an off-the-shelf solution to competing sites. Instadeal is also in the marketplace having launched their fast fold client at the end of 2010.
A tweet from Relax Gaming today suggests that the fast-fold concept will come to Heads Up tables too, stating in a tweet “We have also added Heads Up pools, check them out!”
Pokerfuse tried to check them out with iGame, which had not yet implemented the HU tables but hopes to do so soon. Unibet’s customer support also stated that they have not added HU tables. A tweet too soon from Relax Gaming?
Still, fast-fold at heads up would be an innovation, as neither PokerStars’ Zoom Poker—nor its Rush predecessor—have tried it. Many hope it will resolve what some see as a serious “bum-hunting” problem in heads-up lobbies, with dozens of regulars waiting for action and not playing each other.