In line with its policy of targeting recreational players, the highest cash game stakes at the big-bet games to be offered by the new Full Tilt will be $400/$800 plus antes. Recreational players who expected to be able to jump straight back into the $1k/$2k tables will be disappointed.
The news comes in a list of details about the site posted on 2+2 by Poker Room Manager Shyam Markus. There are twenty improvements to the software including the account pairing facility currently being used to reimburse European players who will not be permitted real-money play on the site when it launches November 6.
Multitablers will like the “+ Table” facility. All ring game and SNG tournament tables now feature a button which opens a new table/tournament of the same type. This can also be activated by a Ctrl-Shift-A hotkey.
Heads up cash games and SNGs now have a new checkbox labelled “Add Table”. If both players tick this box a new table will open with both players pre-seated. This avoids the problem of a different player sitting in when players want to keep the match between themselves.
Game speed is being improved with the change to “Auto Post on All Tables”: when seating at a cash game table the “Wait for BB” and autopost blinds feature will be automatically selected in order to prevent delays. Players can change the setting when they sit down.
Shyam Markus is keen for players to try out the new features on the play money tables before the official launch. An extensive list is up on the Full Tilt website.
Try the new features (listed below) and try to break something. Don’t be surprised if we need to issue multiple updates or even take the game down again before the 6th. We want the 6th itself (and beyond) to be as smooth as possible.
And ultra high nosebleed stakes? Shyam assures worried players that “if demand is there we’d likely add [them].”