With eyes fixed squarely on the void still to be filled in the US online poker market, the Yatahay Network has switched from their own aging software to IGSoft’s poker solution. The software is already in use on the ENET Network, IGSoft’s own white-label poker network.
Prior to the switch, Yatahay – a small poker network that includes flagship poker room TruePoker, recent arrival DoylesRoom and the sports books BetCRIS and Bookmaker.com – had used in-house software, a “3D” poker solution that was seen as buggy and showing signs of age in the eyes of many of their customers.
The new software that rolled out on all sites on the network last week is the product of IGSoft, a Bulgarian-based software provider and operator that also offers white-label solutions on their own ENET poker network. Little-known ENET has seen growth in the Italian industry having obtained their AAMS license back in 2009, allowing them to provide real-money poker to Italian residents.
Yatahay Network has seen strong growth over the last year, doubling in size of cash-game players according to independent tracker PokerScout. They also received a boost in numbers when DoylesRoom switched from the Cake Network in January 2011.
However in absolute terms Yatahay falls far-behind their US-facing competitors. The Merge Gaming Network leads the pack, with daily peak numbers over 2500, eight times the number of players Yatahay is currently serving. The Cake Network, Bodog and Everleaf also boast significantly higher numbers. And with news that DoylesRoom has lost the endorsement of their eponymous figure-head, Yatahay could be in for further blows if their new software platform does not encourage new players to try the site.