The Mark Hoke Show #46 – Kicking Off WrestleMania Weekend
It’s a brand new edition of “The Mark Hoke Show” on KDWN Las Vegas with Mark Hoke, Andrew “Fish” Fain and Joe DeFalco! The trio breaks down all the matches from Day 1 of WrestleMania 38 plus Mark gives WWE’s Kevin Dunn some production requests, a preview of WrestleMania Sunday, a breakdown of the new era of Ring of Honor beginning with the ROH SuperCard of Honor, thoughts on NXT Stand and Deliver and if Tony Khan should open up the checkbook for MJF. Thanks for listening!
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Philosophical Friday #7: Resurrecting Poker Entertainment (w/ Matt Berkey)
This week Brad and Duncan have Matt Berkey over to discuss the apparent “drought” in poker content and entertainment. Why isn’t poker as popular as it used to be and what can we do (if anything) to bring it back to the forefront?
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April 1, 2022 – The Smackdown and a Showdown
Clayton answers a few listener questions (www.twitter.com/claytoncomic) before diving into two more hands from last year's WSOP Main Event. Topics include the smack heard 'round the world and the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown.For the best in tournament strategy, visit www.tournamentpokeredge.com
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Ep 365- Forums: Levels (John C)
This week, Jim Reid leads the panel through a forum post by John Crowell about the different levels of poker strategy that are exposed with every new lesson. While battling it out against each other in the nightly home game, the panel discusses GTO principles, what it means to range an opponent, when balance is warranted, when to play your hand and when to play your range, and more! Come sign up for a free account at rec.poker today to see all the great comments and replies – and you can post a question of your own in the forum for the panel to review!
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Texas Road Trip Highlights & Spotlight on Doyle Brunson
In the latest PokerNews Podcast, Chad Holloway and Jesse Fullen discuss their recent road trip across the Lone Star State as a part of PokerNews’ Texas Week. Along with senior writer Jon Sofen, the trio spent six days traveling to 26 different poker rooms in Houston, Austin, Odessa, Midland, Fort Worth, Dallas, and College Station. They also swung by Doyle Brunson’s hometown of Longworth as well as Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, where “Texas Dolly” attended college and excelled at both basketball and track. In addition to exploring rooms such as Texas Card House, The Lodge (where they touched base with Doug Polk), KoJack’s, Red Star Social, Shuffle 214, Wautauga Social Lounge, Poker House Dallas, and Game On Social, the crew also stopped by some historical poker sites, such as the graves of Poker Hall of Famers Jack “Treetop” Straus and Johnny Moss. The Texas poker market has grown leaps and bounds over the past five years, and if you’ve ever wanted a glimpse into what it’s like, this week’s episode is for you!
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Adam Pliska on Gratitude, Opportunities of the Modern World and Singing to his Dogs | Ep: 31
Outside of big-name players, few people have had such an impact on the growth of poker globally as World Poker Tour President & CEO Adam Pliska.
Pliska, who has now been part of the iconic WPT brand since 2003, is credited as being the driving factor behind the company’s expansion into numerous foreign markets around the world and exposing new players to the game through their big-budget, final table productions.
However, for all the accolades, you’d be hard pressed to find a humbler person in the industry. Pliska credits the humility of his parents, and their gratitude for life’s simplest things, to his modest outlook.
It’s that very gratitude-first mentality that has helped Pliska get through some of the more challenging times in his life, like when his mother lost nearly all her memory and the passing of a young poker player who had sought out his guidance.
Kara and Adam also discuss his non-linear, thematic approach to life and the idea that 20 decisions could shape the entire course of your life. Pliska acknowledges his own tendency towards being too cerebral at times, which can often lead to spiral thinking.
The interview is not all serious though. We learn about Adam’s musical side and find out that he co-wrote the WPT theme song and sings to his dogs every morning while feeding them.
Don’t forget to check out previous episodes with Nadya Magnus, Phil Galfond, Jason Koon, Ebony Kenney, Benny Glaser, Maria Ho, Fedor Holz and many more of poker’s most fascinating personalities.
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The Poker Show – Episode 25 – GPITHM Podcast Network
On today’s edition of The Poker Show: We chat PGT U.S. Poker Open, AC debuts his rapid fire results segment, where Kevmath will be spending the summer and our Group Chat tournament takes us back, way back to 1986.
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Garret Is Out For Revenge Against The Slow Roller
Dylan Gang infamously slowrolled Garret in a high stakes cash game, and now the elite cash pro has a chance for revenge in a HUGE pot.
Scroll down to see when the poker analysis begins.
FLOP:6h2d9d TURN:10h RIVER: 2s
Garret:10c9c Dylan:Ah4h
Analysis begins at 24:40
For access to exclusive Poker Guys freerolls and other tournaments on Nitrogen Sports Poker Room, use this link to sign up: www.nitrogensports.eu/r/632610
Join our Discord server and get in on the conversation about this hand and other poker things! discord.gg/dQD2ASCFF4
***Our Book is NOW AVAILABLE! Get “How Can He Fold???” here: www.thepokerguys.net
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USPO’s Epic Conclusion & Hellmuth’s Queen-Four Shenanigans!
The 2022 U.S. Poker Open blew away our expectations and with Tamon Nakamura set to become the first PokerGO high roller series winner, there’s was a bit of extra buzz inside the PokerGO Studio on the final day. Sean Winter, however, had other plans and came back from way behind to win the final two events and with that the overall championship. On today’s show, we look back at the series as a whole, recap the latest two High Stakes Poker episodes, and dive deep into the mayhem that took place after Phil Hellmuth decided that queen-four offsuit was a good hand to play! Enjoying the show? Consider leaving a review and joining our growing Discord community!
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6 Ingredients Necessary to Change Any Behavior – Dr. Tricia Cardner’s Newsletter #384
Visit the show notes page for a transcript of today’s episode: https://www.smartpokerstudy.com/pod384 Get 30% off membership to www.thepokerforge.com with code “march30” at checkout. ThePokerForge.com is my one-of-a-kind online poker training site with 9 masterclass courses that teach you how to play profitable online poker. Watch FREE YouTube poker training videos Get fresh and free Daily Poker Tips Check me out on Twitter @smartpokerstudy
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#208 Eric Froehlich: $2.6 Million in Lifetime Live Cashes & MTG Hall of Fame
Today’s guest on CPG is a multiple time WSOP gold bracelet winner who has $2.6 million in live MTT cashes… Eric Froehlich.Eric’s journey into the world of poker began with a gateway game you should be very familiar with at this point: Magic: The Gathering. And Efro isn’t just good, he’s a Magic Hall of Famer who’s one of the very best on the planet.Back in 2005 when Eric entered his first world series of poker, we didn’t have to wait very long for him to make his mark. As fate would have it, his first ever cash at the WSOP was beating over 1,000 players to take down a $1,500 limit event in 2005 for a cool $300k score.From there he ended up winning another WSOP bracelet as well as becoming a sponsored Full Tilt red pro.But as you’re about to learn in my conversation with Eric, however, outer success is always secondary to inner peace.In today’s episode with Eric Froehlich, you’re going to learn:The amazing story behind Eric’s first WSOP bracelet… if you’re a bankroll nit you should probably close your eyes.The power of self-healing and growth.The romantical tale of how Eric met his wife.And much, MUCH more!Now, without any further ado, the one and only Eric “Efro” Froehlich.
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CardsChat with Patrik Antonius
On episode #78 of the CardsChat podcast, we have the pleasure of welcoming Patrik Antonius. A poker hall of fame nominee and the all-time leading tournament money winner in his home country of Finland, Patrik has played at the highest stakes for almost his entire career. He wasn’t just one of the superstars of the “poker boom” and the online days of ‘rail heaven’ but he’s making another run on the current season of High Stakes Poker, where he’s won and lost some of the biggest pots in that show’s history. A true legend of the game at just 41 years of age, today we’ll get to know Patrik Antonius a little better.
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Episode 142 – Stick To What You Know
Welcome to Episode 142! MTT Coach Gareth James and Peak Performance Mindset Coach & Educator Dr. Tricia Cardner are back discussing all things poker strategy & mindset. In this episode, the hosts answered a Poker Mindset Mastery Lab Facebook Group member question about controlling reckless behavior. Topics covered include: ●How most behavior is actually unconscious & why it takes work to control it●The difference between an emotional response and a strategic response●How to practice responding so you can train yourself to respond rather than react●How Gareth’s new program Train and Play Like the Pros can prepare you for large MTT series (both online and live) – check it out: https://www.mttpokerschool.com/ Want us to answer your poker question?
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Ep 129 – Learning Everything About Live Tells And Live Poker Psychology + The Hellmuth Q4o Hand Analyzed
Welcome back! On today’s show we are joined by Zachary Elwood who is a poker live tell expert. He has written a book on how to spot and use live tells at the poker table to your advantage and we asked him all about it. Before he joined the show we talked about the Hellmuth Q4o hand, got a Mintzy update from NOLA, and a Jake update post-surgery. Over an hour with the fellas, enjoy!
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The Bernard Lee Poker Show 3-29-22 with Guest Jamie Kerstetter Pt1
This is Part 1 of Bernard Lee’s chat with Jamie Kerstetter.
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The Science Of BRM & TAKING SHOTS · S5E13
What goes into your BRM (bankroll management) and taking shots in today’s poker games? Coach “w34z3l” is back again to break down the key areas of your poker bankroll. Topics include risk of ruin (ROI), moving down aggressively, bankroll preservation, taking shots, moving up requirements, and more. If you want to avoid being stuck at the same limit for years, be sure to take notes and start planning to take some smart shots ASAP. Enjoy!
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#70 Tactical Tuesday: Hustler Casino Live Hand History Review
On this week’s episode, Coach Brad and Jon rewatch a recent HCL stream where current HCL commentator and Brad’s old friend, DGAF, makes his HCL debut.
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Ep 364 – Chats: Sky Matsuhashi on how to study, harnessing your passion and more!
This week, Jim Reid and the panel interview with Sky Matsuhashi about his life in poker, how he finds time to get everything done each day, the kinds of games he likes to play, how to study in a way that suits your own brain, and they even find some time to talk about ICM and Final Table considerations!
Sky is active on Twitter as @smartpokerstudy and you can also find his videos on YouTube under the same name – and you can learn about his excellent training site The Poker Forge here: https://rec.poker/go/pokerforge/
We also go over this week’s home game results and discuss these topics:
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45 – Mike Sneideman Playing Poker in a Post-COVID world
Long time listeners will remember Mike Sneideman as the right arm of the podcast. He joins Steve once again to catch-up on the latest, including the poker situation in the current era. Watch this on YouTube! Justin’s website: https://www.uraniuminsider.com/ Justin’s YT channel https://www.youtube.com/c/UraniumInsider Rick Rule’s Uranium Investors Bootcamp Follow us on Social Media! Twitter: https://twitter.com/stevebarton101 Contact Andy Schectman at Miles Franklin to order precious metals. Tell him you heard it on “In it to Win it” and Andy guarantees you the best price on silver and gold in the country. https://www.stevebartonmoney.com/contact-2 DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser, do not take this as financial advice.
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Can Bryn Kenney Navigate This 3 – Way Disaster Of A Flop?
Deep in a PokerGo tourney, Brynn Kenney finds himself embroiled in a fascinating multi-way pot. The guys break it down.
Scroll down to see when the poker analysis begins.
FLOP:5cKc9s TURN:8h RIVER: 6h
Kenney:Kd3c Ball:Ac2c Katz:Kh10d
Analysis begins at 18:08
For access to exclusive Poker Guys freerolls and other tournaments on Nitrogen Sports Poker Room, use this link to sign up: www.nitrogensports.eu/r/632610
Join our Discord server and get in on the conversation about this hand and other poker things! discord.gg/dQD2ASCFF4
***Our Book is NOW AVAILABLE! Get “How Can He Fold???” here: www.thepokerguys.net
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Poker Fraud Alert Radio – 03/27/2022 – The Withdrawal That Wasn’t
Topic begins at (0:14:41) mark: Q4o-gate! Phil Hellmuth gets everyone talking after calling a big all-in bet with Q4o, but Druff has personal history with him which shows it’s happened before…. (1:00:50): Update: Dan Bilzerian maybe not so fired after all…. (1:21:22): WSOP raising pay for its dealers, but how much is out of generosity?.... (1:47:40): ACR player claims a withdrawal was made without his permission. PFA is on the case, with breaking news during the segment…. (2:32:24): Secret of Siam restaurant in Vegas sickens numerous people in Vegas with THC-laced food… (2:38:57): Druffytime theater: How well do you know Druff? Four short stories from his past where YOU can guess what happened…. (3:27:05):
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