Fast-growing online poker operator GGPoker has introduced yet another innovative feature to its global online poker platform.
GGPoker has now unveiled SnapCam, a feature that will let online poker players communicate via audio and video directly at the tables. The new feature is currently only available on the Windows PC desktop client, but support for the Mac OSX and mobile devices is expected soon.
The move by GGPoker to increase social interaction between players at the table comes at a time when WSOP.com – a partner of GGPoker for the 2020 WSOP Online Bracelet Events for international players – has moved in the opposite direction by disabling all chat.
WSOP.com made the move to remove the chat functionality just prior to the start of the 2020 WSOP Online Bracelet Events for players in New Jersey and Nevada.
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Details About SnapCam
SnapCam takes communication between players at the online poker tables beyond the chat box and emoting avatars and brings it closer to the style of communication available on some social media platforms.
Players can enable the new video feature by clicking the SnapCam button on the side of their avatar.
A maximum of 15 seconds per Snap is allowed for players to record their reaction to the action on the tables and share it with their fellow players. SnapCam has the ability to utilize the player’s webcam and microphone.
SnapCam will initially be rolled out to all cash games and tournaments including Spin & Gold, Rush & Cash and All-In or Fold games for Windows PC users only, however, support for Mac OSX and mobile devices is coming soon.
A maximum of four players per table time can utilize the new feature at the same time. Others at the table will have to wait until another player at the table completes their video before they can capture and share their reaction.
Players will also have the ability to mute the SnapCam of a specific player through the player’s profile page, and Helmet Mode is available for tournament and at VIP Tables which blocks SnapCam for all players at the table. By implementing mute in the chat box, all video will be removed.
Under its Terms & Conditions, GGPoker states that “The broadcast of offensive content, such as racist or sexist content or images, is not permitted, nor can players use SnapCam to harass others.”
GGPoker is encouraging players that witness abuse of the new feature (including offensive content) to report such abuse directly to GGPoker security at help@ggpoker.com.
The GGPoker Security Department will have the power to disable the feature and/or revoke SnapCam privileges altogether for any player that is found using the feature in an inappropriate manner.
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Highlights of SnapCam by GGPoker
- Click the SnapCam button next to your avatar to enable the feature
- 15 seconds of audio and video can be recorded and shared with players at the table
- SnapCam will be available at all cash games and tournaments including Spin & Gold, Rush & Cash and All-In or Fold
- Use of SnapCam is limited to Windows PC users
- Mac and mobile support are coming soon
- 4 players at each table can utilize the feature at the same time
- SnapCam automatically closes when moved to a new table
- Options are available to mute Snaps from specific players or the entire table
- GGPoker Security has the ability to disable and reinstate SnapCam privileges