Starting in April, the Full Tilt software will be retired and play at the online poker room will be merged with the tournaments and cash games over at PokerStars. The Full Tilt brand will remain as an option for players, but the underlying platform utilized by the poker room will be that of PokerStars.
When the merger happens, a client update will be pushed out which will effectively combine the player pools of both sites and replace the Full Tilt software with a skin on the PokerStars network.
After the software upgrade takes place, Full Tilt players that plan to continue playing on the site after the merger need to update their Full Tilt accounts.
One Account Fits All
Your account history for Full Tilt will no longer be available starting April 1.
It is important to know that a single account will be used across all of Amaya’s gaming platforms including, Full Tilt, PokerStars, BetStars, StarsDraft and Duel.
The screenname associated with your account will by default be your PokerStars username, if you have one. If you do not, and your username on Full Tilt is available on PokerStars, you will be allowed to keep you Full Tilt name.
As a result of the consolidation of accounts across all Amaya platforms, your account history for Full Tilt will no longer be available starting April 1. Players wishing to have access to their Full Tilt account history should request a copy via the Requests menu in the software prior to April 1.
Updating Your Account
In order to play on Full Tilt after the merger, you will need to update your Full Tilt account. This can be done after the new Full Tilt client software is rolled out in April. You can perform this update from the Full Tilt desktop software or via your mobile device through the Full Tilt app.
Players that choose not to update their accounts will need to withdraw their funds before the software upgrade takes place.
You will then be asked to confirm the details of your existing PokerStars account, or if you do not already have one, your Full Tilt account details will be used to create a new PokerStars account (and you will get to keep your Full Tilt username if it is not already in use at PokerStars). You will then need to verify that those account details are still accurate.
During the account update process you will also need to verify your banking details, so make sure you have them handy when you begin the update process.
Residents of Italy are not allowed to update their accounts.
Players that choose not to update their accounts will need to withdraw their funds before the software upgrade takes place.
Account Assets
After you have completed the update process, all of your Full Tilt account assets will be immediately transferred to your new account, or to your existing PokerStars account if you already have one.
All cash balances will be transferred in USD. If funds in your PokerStars account are currently held in EUR, a separate USD wallet will be created with your Full Tilt funds as part of your existing account.
Full Tilt players will receive a VIP status at PokerStars based on the level of play they achieved at Full Tilt, even if it higher than what they currently have on PokerStars.
Unused real-money ring game tickets and bonuses will be converted to real-money dollars and added to your account. Bonuses will be prorated based on the progress achieved towards completion. Players with unreleased bonuses purchased in the Edge Store will have the Full Tilt points used to purchases those bonuses refunded.
Unused Edge Rewards will be converted to real-money which will be added to your account prior to the software upgrade.
Full Tilt points will be converted to StarsCoins. Players will receive 1 StarsCoin for every 2.5 Full Tilt Points.
Real-money tournament tickets and tournament dollars will be transferred to your PokerStars account.
Play-money tournament tickets will be converted to play-money chips. All Full Tilt Play chips will then be doubled and transferred to the player’s PokerStars account.
Weekly Windfall Flip Freeroll tickets will not be converted or moved over to your new account. Instead, Full Tilt will be running additional Weekly Windfall Flip Freerolls so that players can use their remaining tickets before the software upgrade.
Self Exclusion/Limits
Players that have set limits on their play at Full Tilt, or have self-excluded themselves will have those limits and exclusions automatically transferred over to their new account once they update.
If a player has varying levels of limits and exclusions across Amaya sites, the most restrictive policies chosen on any of the sites will be applied to the player’s account and be effective for all of the sites.
VIP Status
After the merger, Full Tilt players will receive a VIP status at PokerStars based on the level of play they achieved at Full Tilt, even if it higher than what they currently have on PokerStars. That status will remain in effect for April and May for most players, after which normal rules for retaining the status will apply. Players that are awarded Supernova status at PokerStars will have their status remain in effect until 23:59 ET on December 31, 2016.
More details can be found on the Full Tilt site.