- PokerStrategy has explained that it will work with the iPoker security team in helping to identify poker bots.
- Four months ago, Svenska Spel repaid over $500k to affected players after uncovering a ring of accounts using poker bots to cheat in the games.
- iPoker owner Playech bought PokerStrategy in July this year.
PokerStrategy has explained that it will work with the iPoker security team in helping to identify poker bots. iPoker owner Playtech bought PokerStrategy for $50m in July this year.
The explanation comes in a blog post on the German language PokerStrategy forum “PokerStrategy.com will forward all reported suspicious accounts, and these will be given a high priority for investigation.”
The thread where the policy update was posted contains player reports of suspicious accounts. The statement provided current investigation results for those reports—58% of reported accounts closed, 18% remain under investigation and 24% have been cleared.
What PokerStrategy will not do is provide detailed information about investigations on their site. The iPoker security team explained that they are a business to business company and direct customer service is the responsibility of their skins.
Furthermore, legal reasons prevent disclosure of the details of investigations, the iPoker team will not contribute to discussions of algorithms or methods.
Four months ago, Svenska Spel repaid over $500k to affected players after uncovering a ring of accounts using poker bots to cheat in the games.