Australian Online Gambling Review Told ISP Blocking Won’t Work Australian Online Gambling Review Told ISP Blocking Won’t Work
Tim Swinson |, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License
Key Takeaways
  • The consultation phase of Australia’s review of illegal offshore wagering ended last month with several submissions explaining that ISP and financial transaction blocking are not solutions to the problem.
  • A review of the Interactive Gambling Act in March 2013 reached similar conclusions regarding ISP and financial transaction blocking, and advocated licensing online gambling.

The consultation phase of Australia’s review of illegal offshore wagering ended last month with several submissions explaining that ISP and financial transaction blocking are not solutions to the problem.

“The Coalition will investigate methods of strengthening the enforcement of the Interactive Gambling Act and ensuring Australians are protected from illegal online gambling operators,” announced Prime Minister Tony Abbott in December 2013.

However, it was not until September this year that Scott Morrison, the former Minister for Social Services, announced the terms of reference for the review.